ICANN Confirms That It's Going To Make It Easier For Governments To Seize Domains

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ICANN Confirms That It's Going To Make It Easier For Governments To Seize Domains Around The Globe

This just gets worse and worse. After pointing out that ICANN was missing a big (and important) opportunity by not speaking out against governments seizing domain names, we were disappointed to see ICANN release a white paper that was more of a how-to manual for governments on seizing domains. Now, Paul Keating points us to the depressing news that ICANN is now publicly saying that it will work more closely with governments around the world to help them seize and censor domains. The writeup is a little vague, but it says that seizing domains for copyright infringement was a "hot topic" at ICANN's recent meeting -- including promises from ICANN that it would work more closely with law enforcement around the globe and the various registrars to help law enforcement be more effective in censoring these websites. This is really unfortunate and once again highlights ICANN's uselessness in protecting the internet. Instead, it appears to be actively working against basic internet principles.

sigh Deadmau5... Just because you are not american, does not mean it doesnt affect you. It does affect you. It affects the world. The entire world. Including you and your country.
sigh Deadmau5... Just because you are not american, does not mean it doesnt affect you. It does affect you. It affects the world. The entire world. Including you and your country.

Sorry this is not True Their Rules dont Care other Countries.

Each Region have the own Rules and iam 100% sure in some Regions they cant do anything.

Whats up if you host your service in china and Register your Domain there.

Do you really think its affect you then?!

I think this not sorry ;)
@ Deadmau5

You're actually so clueless, that it irritates my eyes reading your answers.
Like I have a truckload of sand in them....

Now, to figure out how it works in real world:

You don't do what USA demands from you, they put some shit on sanctions: import, export, trade, stocks, oil, you name it. No one will try to fuck with them, because they can blackmail entire world, including india, china, russia, you name it. Probably even aliens. They don't play by the rules. They make rules on their way of conquering the world. They do that every day. Every single fucking day. And yes, EVERYONE is affected. No matter if you are google or warezfuckawesome.com site, you're most likely go down, when they ask from some government to do it. Unless we do something about that.

And, to understand why its that way, you would have to know how US monetary system works (they are able to print money whenever they want, and not go bankrupt, basically, they are scamming the whole world)

To understand how they do it, you might want to read this latest news, and what happens when you disobey Big Brothers instructions: Petro Penalty
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Maybe the USA government will take longer getting to your web host to remove the needed content, but Deadmau5 do you understand ICANN is the big boss of domains. Any rules of any sort or laws about domains are controlled by them. So yes if they allow the US to take over any domain that also means domains out of the us region since ICANN controls every single domain.

They have access to the domain root servers which you will never see in your life since they are high security access in 5 different countries.

With this being said thats like saying the US will have root dns server access meaning they can hijack dns in anyway they wont need to remove the domain from your possession they will just need to send a command to block access to your domain.
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