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Active Member
Hello Friends,

i need to make my website seo, yesterday my google indexing 64,568 and today my indexing 60,416 day by day my indexing is lost please help me

Thank You
if you have a lot of contents, yu should have a google webmaster tool, from their you will find the answer you want. one reason that your indexed content get less in number is that many of the indexed content were taken down due to DMCA specially if your site is a warez site or something that can be considered as mere illegal.

You shouldnt have to worry about the indexed content of the site if you know exactly the number of content on your site. The numbers of indexed content in google cant be the basis of SEO standing of your site. Just compare the umber of content on your site with the number of indexed content by google, if the number google indexed content is lower than the number of content you have on the site, thats the time you should be worried for your page rank is falling
seo vs. google

Hello Buddy,
It seems that Google imposed a penalty on your site. I am not sure until I will see your detailed GA report, but as you are experiencing deindexing of your URLs, penalty might be a reason for this.

One more suggestion, dont do seo if you are not fully aware of latest google updates and changes. Roughly saying that avoid offsite seo completely and concentrate upon onsite. Even you can do that.

Feel free to get more details upon.

@tmworks, catch me on MSNfor advice:
Not possible to define it all here and also it will against forum etiquette...
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