Hurry.Stream - Discussion (Cause there is no official support thread here at least yet)


Active Member
I just noticed a new video host advertisement on Wjunction and it's
I have no idea if there will be an official support thread soon or in future, but there isn't one yet, so I thought I would open thread here and if someone has tested or is already actively using this host, we could share opinions - about payments, views count, playback and so on.
I'm interested and I will soon probably test it with several files, and of course post my thoughts, meanwhile I hope you also share.
I just noticed a new video host advertisement on Wjunction and it's
I have no idea if there will be an official support thread soon or in future, but there isn't one yet, so I thought I would open thread here and if someone has tested or is already actively using this host, we could share opinions - about payments, views count, playback and so on.
I'm interested and I will soon probably test it with several files, and of course post my thoughts, meanwhile I hope you also share.
be sure it's wolfstream new project
First day of testing, counting looks promising for beginning (tested with only few files), I'm gonna use it as a regular alt player from now on, I recommend especially if you need a secondary player which gives good earnings, maybe I will also give it more priority in future when I make sure it's stable and pays consistently and fast. :cocktail:
Pretty sure legal adult content is allowed. I think there was a text about it that was mistakenly "prohibiting" it. Now it only says legal adult is allowed and it also gives you ability to mark your video as adult, so...
So have you tested this
Yeah, for now I have it only as an alternative player, can't trust it instantly and send all the traffic there, only a small portion currently.
For now no errors or playback issues, it looks good. But it depends on what your needs are as an user/publisher.
The best thing is that counting is OK, promising for a start and just few videos, no hard shaving like many other hosts here love to do.
look like generic clone of xvideosharing they dont even bother design?at least they had money advertise their service here,maybe they not as broke as streamvid guy who take more than week to pay $20 or scam and dont pay at all,anyway guys my dear bros i strongly recommend be careful with this host too,lot of new broke host trying users to send traffic but then they refuse pay or take forever pay ur earnings,just warning
I requested my first payment today, for my secondary player counting is honestly good, let's see if they pay and how long it takes, I will update you who are interested in using service. Hopefully it doesn't take long cause payments which take long are immediately a red flag for me. 🚩🚩🚩 Otherwise, everything has been fine so far.
I just noticed a new video host advertisement on Wjunction and it's
I have no idea if there will be an official support thread soon or in future, but there isn't one yet, so I thought I would open thread here and if someone has tested or is already actively using this host, we could share opinions - about payments, views count, playback and so on.
I'm interested and I will soon probably test it with several files, and of course post my thoughts, meanwhile I hope you also share.
Does offer analytics tools for tracking views and engagement?
Sadly not really but I wish. :laughing:

I have no idea, if it doesn't say somewhere on site then you can contact them via contact form on e-mail and ask about it, they reply pretty fast.
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Yet another fast payout received.
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So, basically, payments are pretty stable and fast.
However, previously I mentioned counting was really good. Well, initially it was, but it has slowly horribly deteriorated. Instead of improving gradually which is usually case when you gather lots of content on videohost, unlike other hosts, it keeps falling and falling.
Looks like it's another trick some videohosts use recently - give decent amount of counting and views at first to attract uploader and convince him to bring more content to you and publish, but then counting becomes worse and earnings become really bad.