How to see access points controll panel trough wifi router?

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Hi, i have used only ap so far and now i installed router too. Everything works fine, i can access internet, wifi network is secured but i have one problem. I can not see my access points control panel anymore. Only routers panel is available. i have tried to put ap and router in same subnet and in diferent and still i cant see it.
let me understand better, u can access your routers configuration page ( or whatever) but u cant access ure modems configuration page??
You will not be able to access you modem's config if you are connected to your router, you need to directly connect to modem to do this.
You will not be able to access you modem's config if you are connected to your router, you need to directly connect to modem to do this.

not really... most likely ure modems gateway is the same as ure routers gateway (default= so when u write in ure browser u will get the routers page since its the current connection u are on...

for me it works when i change my modems ip... so connect directly with a lan cable to the modem and enter the config page, change the ip to something like

save and connect via wifi and try to connect to the modems config page again, it shoud work, if it does not work u can connect to ure modems config page by using ure real ip, not the lan ip. So find out ure real ip, just google it, and use that ip to access ure modem directly. The modem is set to default on port 80, so for example: or

hope it works.. :P
Ok, i have tried to find something about real ip but i cant see anything like it. I will explain things bit better.
This is how chain goes: On the roof is wireless antenna, than goes wireless access point next goes wifi router and at the end cable to ethernet card on pc. Everything works great, i have signal in my room and beyond cause i noticed some people connected before network was secured.
Access point is in client regime, it gives connection with local ISP-s transmitter.
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