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how do i make a custom 404 and make it redirect to index.php

i have apache and php and i tried using .htacsess but wont work. HELP!
If you have cPanel installed I think you can go to Error Logs or Error Pages and there is an option to create a new page there and it'll edit the .htdocs for you.
this is what i have search for you..

Part 1) Ok to get custom error pages create a file called error.php copy 'n' paste this into that file:

header("refresh: 5; YOURINDEX.PHP";
$codes = array(
        403 => array('403 Forbidden', 'The server has refused to fulfill your request.'),
        404 => array('404 Not Found', 'The document/file requested was not found.'),
        405 => array('405 Method Not Allowed', 'The method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the specified resource.'),
        408 => array('408 Request Timeout', 'Your browser failed to sent a request in the time allowed by the server.'),
        500 => array('500 Internal Server Error', 'The request was unsuccessful due to an unexpected condition encountered by the server.'),
        502 => array('502 Bad Gateway', 'The server received an invalid response from the upstream server while trying to fulfill the request.'),
        504 => array('504 Gateway Timeout', 'The upstream server failed to send a request in the time allowed by the server.')

$title = $codes[$status][0];
$message = $codes[$status][1];
if ($title == false || strlen($status) != 3) {
    $message = 'Please supply a valid status code.';

echo '<p><h1>' . $title . '</h1></p>' . 
     '<p>' . $message . '</p>'; 


Edit your .htaccess file and add this line at the top of the file or before the first rewrite rule:

RewriteBase /

Note: if your script is installed on some directory, for example /forum, you have to place RewriteBase /forum line to the .htaccess file (.htaccess file must be also located in /forum directory)

Save that file

Part 2) Also, there is a file called .htaccess there is only one way to get at this, go to the domain cpanel , then theres and area called "» Files" there should be an image with a link below it called "File Manager", don't mistake this for "Another File Manager" other wise this wont work click "File Manager" then login, there should be a folder called "public_html" go into that folder there should be a file called ".htaccess" it will be a HTACCESS File edit that file if theres something like Options All replace it with:
ErrorDocument 403 /error.php
ErrorDocument 404 /error.php
ErrorDocument 500 /error.php

Save it then test it by going to your website then after the / at the end of the domain type something like "hjdhfsjkbhdgsbjkvhbjsfh" unless that's already a file but you get the general idea.
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