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Hey I need your help on this!

Suppose I have domain called
And have 2 servers sp1 and sp2

I like to put my site's all files at sp2 and connect the site via sp1. So if someone trace my domain he will only find out sp1.

Is their any script or any tutorial for that? Help me. :sun:

well this depends what you want to do.
If you want to put your files to s2 and link them from s1 that's not a problem.
do you want to mix up.
like s2 will use user-information from s2 you'll have a problem with javascript etc. because of the same-origin-policy.

and i don't really believe that the people will trace your file-server, but your hp-server. (but better save than sorry)
So for your hp you can use a reverse-proxy (here in the forum you'll find some offers like x4b)
so your HP will have the proxy-IP.

but if your Proxy-Hoster will get a DMCA they will talk with you.
if they get an legal warrent, they will give out your IP
No one selling reverse-proxy script.. And I don't anyone wiard servers link! I want my server using as a proxy server. Is their any way I can do that with or without any script.??
oh. than i've misunderstood you.

you can use mod_proxy on apache to reroute all files from s1 implizit to s2

You have to set up your s1 to route all to s2.
this should work.
ProxyPass /foo http://s2/bar
copypaste from apache-docu
so s1/foo will route to s2/bar
but in your browser you'll only see s1/foo

but you have to secure your server and only allow your s1 to use reverseproxy
The main issue of reverse proxy is that most softwares doesn't rewrite URLs in the html / javascript contents. You have to develop your own scripts to do it. Yes, you need a script, but I cannot find it, either. I ever saw a binary application for windows servers, but I have never seen any scripts for *nix.
Could you explain that plz

It's showing IP: S2 and Proxy IP: S1
- I want only S1 - Any thing else?
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