How to Get Sales on FileSonic / WUpload.

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Active Member
I know there's a lot of tutorials out there, but if you can learn a couple of things, it's worth reading something right?

So, i get like 2-3 Sales a day when i upload and my filesonic rank is about 100.

What to upload?
- Best way to get sales is to upload unique content like rare ebooks and music. Not everyone have access to rare content so if you're thinking what to upload, go with "latest scene / p2p Releases". (Tv shows, Games and popular movies)

If you don't know what scene, p2p is, read this

If you're not sure what's popular and will get hits, check any of these sites

I personally perfer onedll because they provide a large number of mirrors which you can leech from.

Where to post these uploads:

There's a lot of warez forums with free registration where you can share your links.

Here's a list of famous Warez Forums

You can also post your download links on comment on
rlslog, sceper, irfree,

OneDDL doesn't allow you to posts links on comments but you can register on forums, post there and link to that post on comment page.

Make sure you're a really fast uploader if you're going to post in comments are on these sites. If you post within top 5 comments, you will get a lot of downloads usually.


I've seen many users who are confused whether to use PPS or PPD. PPD is for users who get downloads but hardly get sales.

PPS is for users who can convert traffic into a lot of sales and webmasters.

Few Tips to get extra sales:

- The quick you're uploading a release, more the chances that you'll get sales / downloads.
-Try to open a blog and posting all your uploads. You won't get traffic in a day but all the traffic will be targetted on your links so chances are you'll get more sales.
-Change your filesonic / Wupload file size settings and change it to "400 MB" if you need sales and "1GB" if you need downloads.
-Upload a lot of 720p releases with 1GB links and post it on famous blogs, forums.
- Upload Single link downloads rather than Uploading 400MB rars. Single Downloads get a lot of sales because if you've free user download settings as 400mb, users will be forced to find another link or buy premium.

I'll update when i come up with more ideas, tips and tricks xD

Please add Rep if this is useful. Thanks.
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Thanks 4 tutorial,
i use PPD from 4 months, now i switch to Half but in last 2 weeks there is no sale
but before that ill got atleast 1sale/week

is my choice oh half is bad for me,
ill get 250+dwnloads per day

waiting 4 reply

Sorry 4 bad English
Change it to PPD if you hardly get one sale per day.

Half and Half is for uploaders who get like 7-10 sales/week.
Thanks 4 tutorial,
i use PPD from 4 months, now i switch to Half but in last 2 weeks there is no sale
but before that ill got atleast 1sale/week

is my choice oh half is bad for me,
ill get 250+dwnloads per day

waiting 4 reply

Sorry 4 bad English

First Of ALL Thanks For This Thread To tehlol.

2ndly bro i m agree with tehlol its not 4 u. you must change to downloads it will give you more money.
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