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Hi, my web is , how can I attract more peoples to look on site and be everyday user? I dont understand this :

Poor warez forum with about 1000 threads have online 50 users every day, on is more than 1.500.000 links and have low population, why is that?

hm, maybe i will buy some advert on any web sites.

but what is url you gave me? it working 7 hours and still no end :D what is this for good?
it backlink creator... but you wont have much use of it coz it takes some time for google to index those sites, to be more accurate, few months:)
How old is your site? You need to wait google to index your site, all pages, then will come visitors. Also, need to exchange links with related sites.
my web is online 10 months, but officialy only few months. Google index 4290 results. I have topic here about exchange links

thank you
Hi, thanks for response, I have bought ads on 3 big sites and 1 ad will be, but still not many users come. Our visits grow up about 30%, I hope it will be better.

On google webmaster I have few sites with 404, but I have fixed it, I hope now google will continue indexing my site.

Any other suggestion how attract more users? I think best way for more users is by users who tell about site their friends, so please, if you can, tell your friends about Thanks :)
You need to work more on your site design, I mean really that Chatbox thingie or whatever it is, isn't really needed, It's just slowing down the site. For example, you can move the Affiliates from the footer in the Sidebar.

It would be cool to add some kind of function which will ask user to enter in your mailing list so you can send him notification with the links of the most downloaded movies, applications, movies, or whatsoever.

I guess you tried to make it like the old Katz, and I like the design really, but that big banner makes the site just ugly, that rounded one is enough with logo. People came for downloads, not to look some big ass banner.

Have you created Facebook page? Facebook can get you a lot of visitors if you invite a lot of friends into page, and if you can tell your friends to invite their friends into the page. It's obvious that if you go over 20,000 fans that Facebook would delete your Page because of illegal content, but It's worth it.

Make footer more user friendly, add important links, and rest of the needed stuff.

You could remove that ugly online counter too, I noticed that you're quite good in PHP. So why don't you code your own little online counter? Just to show text somewhere in the header part.

This looks like some kind of review, but your site really has potential. Make it more user friendly, advertise it on social network sites, spread the word, tell your friends to tell their friends about it. And you will see how the visits increased.

Good luck.
how can moving affiliates from footer to sidebar improve my site and atract more users?

about that chat, yes, I will disabled it

about skin, we have system (but now is disabled) where user can change skin and it save on cookies, but now, we are working on automatic system - on web will automatic show what link have RS, HF, UP, .. hosting and automatic link checker (dead, live).
After we finish this I will create some new design.

About FB we have fan page, but icon is not on craex :)

Site is aspnet, no php, but we will create own counter, this is only temporaly.

But thanks a lot for your comment / review, it helps me.
Moving Affiliates from footer to Sidebar won't get you many visitors but site would look way better. And, I thought it was based on WCDDL or DDLCMS, didn't even checked, but It's cool that you coded your own script.
Bascially FACEBOOK, ORKUT and TWITTER are the basic FREE ADVERTASING sites
so try to make ur communities thr and drag ppl in to ur site!


and fallow those suggested by other ppl too
no, no :) everything is own, whole script, graphic, system, administration, ...

everything is automatic - adding links from sites, I hope this (next week) adding hosting info RS HF UP, link checker (dead, live).

But we need motivation and for us is motivation more traffic / users.
Hello, why is this? When I put in google I got 4 results, but in bottom is button and when I hit it, google show me 12500 results. My question is why? Why are this results not showed when I hit search first time?
the very first submission is a fake movie & this was a big repulsion,for me atleast

u have just created a DDL full of shitload of spam this wont help u on a long run
clear the database & start again with some gud & trusted sites

this proves my point
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