How to earn money while uploading games, movies, music, and xxx. Tips and tricks

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I want to get good downloads without using multiposter or other forum poster. I just want to upload softwares. How it possible.
What tool do you using to upload files to fileserve,filesonic and etc.What tool is the best? Im using rapidleech now,but it can only transload 3 times...Any good ideas? :) Or suggestions?
Can u please get me some links to private torrent trackers site ?


Did anyone tried incentive offers + file sharing? I don't know if it is legit or not. Can any senior assist please?

what are you talking about mate?

any xxx with good traffic and accepting remoters (uploaders) ?

yeah there are many mate. and i don't remember the name of the guy but yeah he've posted XxX templates here in WJunction. just search a little and you'll get it

really nice tips CA :)

Thank You :)

What tool do you using to upload files to fileserve,filesonic and etc.What tool is the best? Im using rapidleech now,but it can only transload 3 times...Any good ideas? :) Or suggestions?

Depends, i use sBorg and its awesome. if you're familiar with sBorg then go with it. its awesome or RDP i'll suggest you. i've left RapidLeech like 7-9 months ago

Thanks.Any One Want To Submit His/Her Post On Or Some DLE Sites Then PM me

you do know that trading/selling/giving services/miss-use of accounts is not allowed uumar :)

Thank You All <3
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