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HAHAHAAAAA, No that didn't work for me :P I did get a job by starting a discussion on FB, my (now) bos was so impressed he hired me from FB XD
I'm earning really good as warez webmaster, and i can't imagine going back to 9-5 work now.
But since it's rather risky buisness ( simple law update could make me lose all my earnings; no healthcare ) i'm working on "legit" sites as well.
Now these steps can be diffrent for every individual person,but it is a tried and proven way to get a steady income of $100 or more each day. Payouts generally bi-weekly

  • Stand up from your computer
  • proceed to front door
  • open front door
  • Its scary i know,but step outside (dont be afraid,that bright orange ball is only the sun)
  • Proceed to local construction site,restaurant,bar (depending on skills you have)
  • talk to site manager and apply for position
  • BOOM now with any luck you will have a job,with a regular income
Hope this helps those of you that are in need of a regular income. ebook with further steps available. not really

Smart asses everywhere, do you think that every country gives you chance to work and earn like normal human?
Do you really think that someone who cant find good job in his country would waste time on internet?
Post above is example when a smart ass gives advice.......
Well, this really depends on country where do you live... For some peoples internet is really best shot.

I'm pretty sure this is same for some Asia/North America/East europe countries, but I will give you example from Balcan. If you work on some construction site, you need to work from 6am to 6 pm for 10-15$ per day.(no health and shits).

Or you can go to local bar, and work for 150-200$ per month. Only way to raise yourself and have a normal life is to finish some good college, and then go to some normal country where your knowledge is respected, or find some good job in your country, where you will still have some normal earnings if you choose some "popular" job(like programming, some big network admin etc...).

Its not that simple as it seems....
I worked as a construction worker in Belgrade for 150 euros a month, it's not even enough for bread.... Some people are tucked in own reality and blind to see rest of the world. I worked as heat installer, in corn fields and God knows what else....only way to earn enough is to be criminal or politician (which is the same tho)
Going to a restaurent usually gives here 10$ per day. For the rent, usually you have to pay $1000 per month.

This is the condition at the Maldives. Everything is expensive here.
You are missing some education mate :) (iMage)
Here, let me help you.


Sharing less hate and smartassism, would be really nice from you.
Atleast do it every second day, you are putting lot of effort in nothing.
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before you attemt being a smartass cvrle at least use up to date statistics,that map thing is like 3-4 yrs old now.

lol @ tht video flow lol
iMage and who told you that this statistics isn't true even after 3-4-8-20 years?I don't recall one country being from bottom to top in 2 years.Right?

And something more dirty.Why the hell some people care what others do?Why you are believing you are better than someone else that sits in his pc?And what the meaning of this thread?

+1 seraphim!
lol @ all teh butthurt people over a joke... anyway EL before you speak on me being the same as everyone else here, 1st i dont and never have uploaded warez for money,warez isnt suppose to be about earning,2nd i have a job,3rd i have a young daughter i support,4th pay my own rent and bills on a fixed income.
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