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I'm looking for hosting / vps or anything that can handle ~2k users daily, 70k pageviews. But what is important it's getting more people pretty fast. Of course I'm looking for something cheap. My only requirements are: PHP 5.2 (at least) and MySQL. Any idea what could I try?
If there is rapid growth in the website . better go with VPS. Only if you have experience in handling it. Or else go with shared hosting which are not oversold. Avoid Cheap price hosting. You will get entangled with 100+ users in single server.
Thanks guys, I'll check it out. One more question, what if I would like to run scheduled C# app on it? vps with root, should let me do that right?
If you are looking for something cheap . Then i would consider go with Shared Hosting. I would prefer ScopeHosts.Com. I hold more then 5 VPS Services. 3 of them are Managed Once . Last 6months never had a single downtime .
I just ordered vps @ vps6, they got very nice support. Live chat is a good thing. Plans are decent, I think that will handle easily my webpage. Also they include a lot tutorials and how to's even tho I would find a way to set everything up, its a nice thing.
I have checked all your posts guys, thanks for help :)
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