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Been over 14 hours that it has been down (around 2pm yesterday), still have not recieved any updates as to whats going on or estimated down time... <_<
because he never refunded me my money... Which I had bought a year with him. Hes ignored me ever since the first incident. Even when he claimed he was refunding people, and specifically told me he would refund me. I sent him a ticket and he responded with something along the lines of " are you sure you want me to? Im going to continue hosting sites" . To which I responded

" [FONT=&quot]I want you to pull through. Everyone loves and trusts you on WJ and for that very reason I am willing to fight for you and stay. But... I would like the refund. What I will do for you though is after receiving the refund I will re invest into HB but as a monthly subscriber. That way I will feel a bit more at ease and at the same time you don't lose another subscriber."[/FONT]

Along with like 4 emails and a PM on this site a few days after the last incident. No response from him yet. This was over a month ago, and he has logged on plenty of times since. sh*t he was on just yesterday.
You can't really say down "again", hostbeyond doesn't have much downtime. Try hosting with some of the half English speaking idiots that post on here, and HostBeyond will look like a god.
@zay; no one forced you to purchase a full year...apirateslife shouldn't have to refund was your own stupidity.
Host beyond was down for about five or six days last time. This time its been about a day and a half, and with the fact of him not updating in any ways of what is going on, or even if anything is going on to bring us back up is in works. I think this constitutes as an "again"

First off I knew nothing when i came here and still dont know much compared to the rest of you, I made threads for help on many things and many of you helped me through many situations. The very first thread I made was about who I get to host my site, the majority of the responses were all HostBeyond.

With that said i never said anyone forced me to purchase anything??? how is purchasing a full year from what many knowledgeable members here claimed to be the best host provider to go with a stupid idea? All I wanted to do was start a site and took the information from friends here, (although no one here specified I shouldnt get a year, they also never specified I should pay by month) if buying a year is always a bad move then I didnt know any better and I did it, I figured I would be alright with all the high praise.

And how, under good business practice, should I not get a refund if im with them for 2 months and he claimed he was going to quit, and I still have 10 months that has yet to be fulfilled as promised in the deal? Even if the return has two months deducted for time hosted
Obviously you didnt read shit from the post you first responded too.

People aren't going to react how you see fit, they will not bend over backwards to please you, nor will they follow standard guidelines.
APL made the claim that he was going to give people their money back, not me. I never said i was going to complain to any authorities or anything. The point I am getting at with all of this is, everyone needs to get off APL's d*ck on how hes such a good provider and what not, because he isnt.

And the point of the good buissness practice line was to insinuate that he obviously isnt good. so dont waste your money.

Way before this thread I was never expecting to see a dime back from him, Thats the whole point of this. The main point is for new people and to readers that he is NOT a good host, and should NOT be used.

Example, you ARENT a good basketball player because you can make shots when no one is around. To be a good basketball player you got to be able to sink those shots when someones trying to stop you. Put that into webhosting terms however you please. May that be that the guy trying to stop you is DDOS attacks or whatever. You arent a good host provider b/c you can keep things up because no one bothers you, your good when people keep tryin to bother you and you work your way around them as efficiently as possible with backups plans and the such.

I'm not sure why your trying to attack me, all Im doing is stating the facts of what he said and my situation on it, I already chalked up the money as a loss, Im just trying to keep others from losing money to him too.
I stand by APL's service, even though I am very unhappy with this situation, including that I still need to grab back ups off the server. If however he does not return, I will grow angry as you have become; you have every right to as a customer.

Let's hope for the best, I am going to wait till Saturday night, at that point I will take actions to destine myself elsewhere.
He up an left with the cash... Glad that at least now people are starting to let go of the bullshit about him being a great host and what not.
how do you know he up and left.. I need the backups of my files .. i been asking him for months that it would not let me backup my site
im glad i was able to make a back the other night.i too have swapped to a new host. may not have if only i have heard something about the downtime. thats just bad for business
Well that's what you get when you place your trust and money in a one man show, its a harsh lesson to learn, hopefully one you won't have to learn again.
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