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I feel very sad on those who lost files, money and accounts hack.

I can suggest that try to use On-Screen Keyboard or Virutal Keyboard, since there are keylogger malware which the user may not notice that his information is captured by cracker.

Ensure your security Question and Answer are top most secret information and not used other sites.

Don't save your passwords in the web browser, if you want to store passwords then use software like Password Manager.

In the web browser, enable option Empty cache on Exit so that the moment you closed the browser it should be automatically deleted the cache data.

Keep your passwords more complexity with min 8 char. one upper case, one numeric and one special char. for highest level of security.

Ensure the windows update is up-to-date and Anti-virus or Firewall is enabled with latest upgrades and updates.
anyone here with *******. i am using sborg with them.

i was not saying anything about host... i was just asking.. :)
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do not split your usernames here, cause your username is your EMAIL url
and the hacker see it here attacks your emaila adress.
^^ thanks for the info ... right now i am chging all pass and making a txt file and going to save it on usb. need to make backup too hope i remember that or i will end not getting when ever i lost usb :))

ever site will have diff pass.. and will use
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Remember your new password as:

2 romeo mike 2 DELTA NOVEMBER mike papa 8 5 PAPA SIERRA ECHO 5 whiskey tango 9 DELTA 1 tango sierra 5 papa 2 VICTOR ECHO charlie 7 alpha ROMEO

I lve the remember information :))))))
look bro make txt file with all your passwords and rar it with password and put it on your USB laptopp and even in Gmail draft section and iphone this is TOTAL security Fbi Agent hhh really work like that bro
i have a note book where i write everything for years . no one can hack it :P the only way is to come to my room and "hack" it . but first thay need to pass my dog :D so that is the best security for saving private information ;) today after a long time there are some passwords i still didn't remember :D
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