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GO Unlimited

Active Member
Thread has been permanently closed, discussion thread can be found here.
ProStream announcement on hack can be found here.
Management (Bader’s) announcement pending.
GoUnlimited featured on TorrentFreak & tarnkappe, what next? Other articles here.
GoUnlimited case has come to a close, decision can be found here.


The GO Unlimited service, which may be known by the name of many of you, is one of the oldest services specialized in the field of video hosting. The goal of the service has always been to ensure the provision of a secure and stable platform for its long-term partners, in addition to providing features and characteristics commensurate with their aspirations and of course renewed development in order to ensure keeping pace with industry requirements.

GO Unlimited, 2020

In the year 2020, we seek to transfer the service from the field of traditional video hosting to integrated solutions in this field, by providing advanced tools, some of which were not previously proposed or used in this field, in order to keep pace with the development contained in this industry and its requirements.


Our Goal

Our primary goal is to ensure the long-term stability of the platform and the stability of the services the tools it provides to its partners. We work in GO Unlimited on the basis of long-term plans and not short so as to ensure the opportunity to work for many years and successfully meets the aspirations and aspirations of our partners.

Our work since 2016 and our accomplishments are evidence of this goal that we seek. We will always continue to work on this goal.​

Why us + features?
  • We're standing for a very long term. We already achieved 4 years since 2016.
  • 100% Free, no paid accounts.
  • Truly unlimited, bandwidth, storage, and everything.
  • No time, quality, or speed restrictions at all.
  • HD Video Encoding - Very high quality encoding settings.
  • Video Subtitle - Works even with iOS devices.
  • UltraFast Streaming.
  • Only clean ads.
  • 50GB Max file size per upload using FTP. 12 GB Using browser.
  • Trouble free system, no bugs or technical issues are common to face. 100% Stable.
  • We do offer the fastest payment process in this industry, ever.

Upload Modes:
  • Web-Browser
  • FTP
  • URL
  • API
  • ZOOM

Payout methods:
  • PayPal
  • WebMoney
  • Bitcoin
  • Payment requests are processed within 24 to 48 hours only, even on public holidays and weekends. The minimum is only $10.

  • Do you allow porn? Yes, we do allow porn.
  • Do you display adult ads? No we don't.
  • How long do you host my videos? For porn videos, forever, even if they're inactive. For mainstream content, videos that has no views for connected 60 days will be marked as inactive and get deleted whenever there is a lack of storage.

If you have any suggestions, or inquiries, we will always be glad to hear.
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Okay no worries. It will be enabled for everyone as per your request.
It should be visible for unTrusted members within the next week max if not earlier.

Thanks! If possible, it would be nice if there was an option to set the thumbnail globally for all videos. Useful if you want to use a branded thumbnail for the website.
I have contacted someone and he said didn't meet the criteria... And as I said video were uploaded on 03.06.2020 and we are on 14.06.2020 so 30 days didn't past. I got some report or something?
Dear Partners,

We would like to introduce you into our new feature.

GO Unlimited AI (Artificial intelligence) Technology

Since couple of weeks or so, we have been working on a methode that helps our partners to avoid Google bots that identify the copyrighted material on their websites to remove the concerned pages from the search results due to DMCA.

As you all know, back in 2016; we have introduced ourselves as the first DMCA Ignored video hosting, but after these 4 years we have realized that the host ignores the DMCA is not the whole solution, but part of the solution. How so? For example, we ignored a DMCA request from a specific company called XY to remove one of your videos, the next step that XY will follow is request a take down of the page of your website that includes the player, and in this case our ignorance to their DMCA didn't help you that much but delayed the process of the takedown.

What's the point of the mentioned above?
Before we go straight into the point, we would like to explain something to you, which is the way that Google follows to take down your page from the search results due to DMCA.

1. They check the reported page elements, including player, and images such as posters and screenshots, etc.
2. If one or more of the above is identified then your reported page will be removed from the search results.

Does Google hire employees to check each reported page?
Of course no. Google use bots to identify the mentioned elements.

What does GoAI do to avoid this?
GoAI can easily identify Google bots and show them these pages instead of the player itself, to mislead their identification process on your website, or from your website.
Embed pages: https://prnt.sc/szi42q
Download pages: https://prnt.sc/szi471

Simple question: Google itself can't bypass Google reCaptcha?
Of course they can, but they can never "Click" on Process to video, and that's why most websites who tries to mislead Google use such buttons, so that only humans can bypass their webpages. So basically, the reCaptcha will be solved by Google bots but they can never bypass the manual button.

Will this kind of identification affect my VPN users especially if I am uploading porn videos and most of my visitors are VPN users?
Your VPN users will never face any similar identifications at all. The point of using GoAI is to identify DMCA and Google bots only, and not VPN users. VPN Users will be able to access your website and videos easily without any issues just like how they do right now, so this kind of identifications is not related to them in anyway.

What's the point of all of this?
If you still don't understand the point, here is it: To reduce Google DMCA removals of your websites pages. Our AI tech helps your website to avoid Google bots identifications in order to reduce the removal of your website's pages from the search results?

So I will never receive Google DMCA removals anymore?
Not in these cases: If the reported page include one or more of these things: Another video player, and/or posters or any kind of images that the DMCA company can report to Google. Our GoAI tech can do nothing to help you if the reported page includes other elements which can be reported or identified. So make sure that besides our GoAI you also take some steps to mislead Google bots so our AI tech with your simple steps can finally avoid Google removals to your website pages from the search results.

We have done some tests with multiple webmasters using these AI techniques and here is the results:
The luckiest ones were able to have 60% less DMCA removals from Google, and the unluckiest ones were able to reduce 10% of the DMCA removals by Google from the search results. We still don't understand the factor that Google followed which caused different percentage of success for each webmaster, while all of them were following the same exact techniques, but what we're sure about is that you will reduce the number of DMCA removals from search consoles, for like 40% mostly or so.

The mentioned above is not our best plan for this year, but something even stronger coming on the way, and it's related to MONEY. Make sure you guys call your banks and ask them what's the limit of your bank account because soon you may reach the maximum limit.:sunglasses:
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GoAI (Go Artificial intelligence) :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
This is a high-end system and only you can do this (in all the video host I have known).
Beyond my imagination.
Thanks for the efforts you have brought to users and wish you all the best.
The least I can do. You have been a great partner since a very long time and constant supporter and we should pay back this with efforts. :hearts:
Dear Partners,

We would like to introduce you into our new feature.

GO Unlimited AI (Artificial intelligence) Technology

Since couple of weeks or so, we have been working on a methode that helps our partners to avoid Google bots that identify the copyrighted material on their websites to remove the concerned pages from the search results due to DMCA.

As you all know, back in 2016; we have introduced ourselves as the first DMCA Ignored video hosting, but after these 4 years we have realized that the host ignores the DMCA is not the whole solution, but part of the solution. How so? For example, we ignored a DMCA request from a specific company called XY to remove one of your videos, the next step that XY will follow is request a take down of the page of your website that includes the player, and in this case our ignoartin to their DMCA didn't help you that much but delayed the process of the takedown.

What's the point of the mentioned above?
Before we go straight into the point, we would like to explain something to you, which is the way that Google follows to take down your page from the search results due to DMCA.

1. They check the reported page elements, including player, and images such as posters and screenshots, etc.
2. If one or more of the above is identified then your reported page will be removed from the search results.

Does Google hire employees to check each reported page?
Of course no. Google use bots to identify the mentioned elements.

What does GoAI AI do to avoid this?
GoAI can easily identify Google bots and show them these pages instead of the player itself, to mislead their identification process on your website, or from your website.
Embed pages: https://prnt.sc/szi42q
Download pages: https://prnt.sc/szi471

Simple question: Google itself can't bypass Google reCaptcha?
Of course they can, but they can never "Click" on Process to video, and that's why most websites who tries to mislead Google use such buttons, so that only humans can bypass their webpages. So basically, the reCaptcha will be solved by Google bots but they can never bypass the manual button.

Will this kind of identification affect my VPN users especially if I am uploading porn videos and most of my visitors are VPN users?
Your VPN users will never face any similar identifications at all. The point of using GoAI is to identify DMCA and Google bots only, and not VPN users. VPN Users will be able to access your website and videos easily without any issues just like how they do right now, so this kind of identifications is not related to them in anyway.

What's the point of all of this?
If you still don't understand the point, here is it: To reduce Google DMCA removals of your websites pages. Our AI tech helps your website to avoid Google bots identifications in order to reduce the removal of your website's pages from the search results?

So I will never receive Google DMCA removals anymore?
Not in these cases: If the reported page include one or more of these things: Another video player, and/or posters or any kind of images that the DMCA company can report to Google. Our GoAI tech can do nothing to help you if the reported page includes other elements which can be reported or identified. So make sure that besides our GoAI you also take some steps to mislead Google bots so our AI tech with your simple steps can finally avoid Google removals to your website pages from the search results.

We have done some tests with multiple webmasters using these AI techniques and here is the results:
The luckiest ones were able to have 60% less DMCA removals from Google, and the unluckiest ones were able to reduce 10% of the DMCA removals by Google from the search results. We still don't understand the factor that Google followed which caused different percentage of success for each webmaster, while all of them were following the same exact techniques, but what we're sure about is that you will reduce the number of DMCA removals from search consoles, for like 40% mostly or so.

The mentioned above is not our best plan for this year, but something even stronger coming on the way, and it's related to MONEY. Make sure you guys call your banks and ask them what's the limit of your bank account because soon you may reach the maximum limit.:sunglasses:

I am left without appropriate words to describe everything you have been doing that is good for Go users. They are news and improvements one after the other. Congratulations on your effort to offer us your best. I wish all the success in the world, because you deserve it.
I am left without appropriate words to describe everything you have been doing that is good for Go users. They are news and improvements one after the other. Congratulations on your effort to offer us your best. I wish all the success in the world, because you deserve it.
In return of your good words and constant support and your very long partnership, our efforts would be like 0.0001% of what you deserve from us. That's the shortest and most detailed comment I can give you.
Dear Partners,

We would like to introduce you into our new feature.

GO Unlimited AI (Artificial intelligence) Technology

Since couple of weeks or so, we have been working on a methode that helps our partners to avoid Google bots that identify the copyrighted material on their websites to remove the concerned pages from the search results due to DMCA.

As you all know, back in 2016; we have introduced ourselves as the first DMCA Ignored video hosting, but after these 4 years we have realized that the host ignores the DMCA is not the whole solution, but part of the solution. How so? For example, we ignored a DMCA request from a specific company called XY to remove one of your videos, the next step that XY will follow is request a take down of the page of your website that includes the player, and in this case our ignorance to their DMCA didn't help you that much but delayed the process of the takedown.

What's the point of the mentioned above?
Before we go straight into the point, we would like to explain something to you, which is the way that Google follows to take down your page from the search results due to DMCA.

1. They check the reported page elements, including player, and images such as posters and screenshots, etc.
2. If one or more of the above is identified then your reported page will be removed from the search results.

Does Google hire employees to check each reported page?
Of course no. Google use bots to identify the mentioned elements.

What does GoAI do to avoid this?
GoAI can easily identify Google bots and show them these pages instead of the player itself, to mislead their identification process on your website, or from your website.
Embed pages: https://prnt.sc/szi42q
Download pages: https://prnt.sc/szi471

Simple question: Google itself can't bypass Google reCaptcha?
Of course they can, but they can never "Click" on Process to video, and that's why most websites who tries to mislead Google use such buttons, so that only humans can bypass their webpages. So basically, the reCaptcha will be solved by Google bots but they can never bypass the manual button.

Will this kind of identification affect my VPN users especially if I am uploading porn videos and most of my visitors are VPN users?
Your VPN users will never face any similar identifications at all. The point of using GoAI is to identify DMCA and Google bots only, and not VPN users. VPN Users will be able to access your website and videos easily without any issues just like how they do right now, so this kind of identifications is not related to them in anyway.

What's the point of all of this?
If you still don't understand the point, here is it: To reduce Google DMCA removals of your websites pages. Our AI tech helps your website to avoid Google bots identifications in order to reduce the removal of your website's pages from the search results?

So I will never receive Google DMCA removals anymore?
Not in these cases: If the reported page include one or more of these things: Another video player, and/or posters or any kind of images that the DMCA company can report to Google. Our GoAI tech can do nothing to help you if the reported page includes other elements which can be reported or identified. So make sure that besides our GoAI you also take some steps to mislead Google bots so our AI tech with your simple steps can finally avoid Google removals to your website pages from the search results.

We have done some tests with multiple webmasters using these AI techniques and here is the results:
The luckiest ones were able to have 60% less DMCA removals from Google, and the unluckiest ones were able to reduce 10% of the DMCA removals by Google from the search results. We still don't understand the factor that Google followed which caused different percentage of success for each webmaster, while all of them were following the same exact techniques, but what we're sure about is that you will reduce the number of DMCA removals from search consoles, for like 40% mostly or so.

The mentioned above is not our best plan for this year, but something even stronger coming on the way, and it's related to MONEY. Make sure you guys call your banks and ask them what's the limit of your bank account because soon you may reach the maximum limit.:sunglasses:
this is good
i have quetion also
how can i know differnece from vpn than bots
all are proxied ip and not human ip
so what is to follow to know if this is vpn or bot?
this is good
i have quetion also
how can i know differnece from vpn than bots
all are proxied ip and not human ip
so what is to follow to know if this is vpn or bot?
That's why we call it AI and not a simple identification. We can create a simple identification within 5 minutes and block all proxied IP's but that will include VPN users. The reason why we have been working since two weeks or so is that we were following specific factors to teach the AI machine the difference between the regular VPN user and the bot. The factors that needs to be followed aren't specific, and that's why the AI machine keeps learning everyday, since bots can change their behavior if they noticed any blockage.
this is good
i have quetion also
how can i know differnece from vpn than bots
all are proxied ip and not human ip
so what is to follow to know if this is vpn or bot?
And to complete this, it's verry simple to understand: Bots can't do things like complete captcha then click to Process Video but VPN users do.
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