Google+ Loses 60% of Active Users

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Despite users' curiosity around Google+, it seems like most Google+ users just wanted to see the platform before returning to Facebook. 'Google has lost over 60 per cent of its active users on its social network Google+, according to a report by Chitika Insights, raising questions about how well it is doing against its rival, Facebook. Despite the clear interest in an alternative to Facebook, it does not appear that the people joining are staying around and actively using the web site. Google's problem is not getting users in the first place, it seems, but rather keeping them after they have arrived. For now it appears that a lot of users are merely curious about Google+, but return to the tried and tested format of Facebook when the lustre fades. The problem is that Facebook is not going to rest on its laurels while Google attempts to get the advantage. Already it has added features inspired by Google+, particularly in terms of improving the transparency of its privacy options.'
Well whenever there is something new people try it out and realize it isn't like what they are use to and go back to the old way. Confident that they are not a close minded individual.
Well this wasn't the case when there were orkut and facebook.

People realized they needed something new and FB gave it all. But now Google+ has something new but people are so much used to FB crap that they are not able to cope into G+ is what I feel.
There was huge expectations for G+, but now it doesn't seem so.
Nothing quite new nor interesting to switch over to it ..
May be they should try something new xD
:)) You can say what ever you want, there is already to much those social network sites...
I personally even don't use them;)
I have phone, email, skype, msn that's enough ( I would say too much) for me to communicate and share something with my friends,family....
Now whats the point from those social networking sites??:facepalm:
Every day you get invite to join social network and they all different:facepalm:
What for? To get million friend which you dont know? Or to share all over the world that you bought some new phone or pair of jeans?:)) People even share when they go to toilet and how big shit was....:facepalm: Social network:facepalm:
Nah :facepalm:
The biggest problem is that those of us who want to move to Google+ can't convince enough of our less techy friends to move over. People go where people are. It isn't the best tech that wins but the largest market share.
meh i used google+ for a day... then they ban my account for not using my real name.

real names are never to go onto the internet <_<
I wish they didnt exist, Facebook and G+, even if they bring massive traffic to some websites, but you share all your information (pictures, videos, data) with strange people you dont know. Just think how many scammers are there!? I dont have a Facebook profile or G+ profile, i really hate them, i only use them to drive traffic to my websites. And do cookie sniffing :)
Social networks tend to accumulate momentum, and fairly slowly. Facebook has a ton of it right now, and Google+ has very little. It's not just in number of users, but in the habits of those users. People are used to Facebook. It'll probably take a year or so for Google+ to start taking off. And you don't really "lose" users, once signed up people always have the option of returning, especially with most of those people already having Gmail accounts.
Exactly. Just that Google+ lost lots of users doesn't mean its gonna be dead or something. Its just the beginning for them. Its Google, and they know how to make top notch products. Facebook has been there for like 7 years or so, while Google+ has just recently been opened for public registration. Its one of the bigger projects taken up by Google, and they look highly professional with it and highly ambitious. They will certainly add features that will make it stand out of the crowd. And like MrSandvik just said, Google+ already has the advantage of being a Google product, which runs Gmail too, and Gmail is as of now the fastest growing email service(not sure whether the most used), and users with a Gmail account automatically get a Google+ account. So they will peek into it, like it or hate it, whatever, but the user base will certainly increase. And who knows, may be it it will catch up the required/expected pace very soon. As far as Google+'s lack of features are concerned, that's not a matter to worry about. Just think of Chrome. It was released just like 2-3 years back, lacked features, but now has such a huge app/extension/theme base, and is already the 3rd most used browser with over 20% market share, and expected to become the no.1 by July 2013. The same may(rather, will) happen with Google+ as well.
Google is not gonna sit back and watch the destruction of G+.
About the point ShareShiz that the Internet will never use real names, trends are showing the opposite and it's Facebooks long term plan to only have real names as Mark Zukerberg has indicated.

As for active users that's normal. Do you think every single member on WJunction is active? Of course not. It's probably less that 3% who could be considered active and remember all the banned and duplicate accounts. On Twitter less that 5% of users account for over 80% of tweets. And next time you hear a stat about Facebook read it carefully. 800 million members we hear which sounds great. You also hear stuff like 60% of active members log in once a day or spend 15 minutes online. Pay attention to how they say it. ACTIVE members. They only use members who've logged in in the last month to use these stats and that's why Facebook stats always sound so impressive. It's clever the way they word it so it makes you all think that over 500 million of their members log in daily which obviously is not how it works. Facebook has brainwashed ye and ye really need to read carefully and study studies like this more closely. Google has a far far higher active userbase as a percentage of it's total members.

Read studies carefully and don't be fooled.
Ya, people joined for something new, but Google failed to update more. People lost interest since they didn't have some basic features till now. It might be in development and people might come back after all the features are included. For now Google+ is not worth.
To be honest I really can't be bothered to join yet ANOTHER social networking site.
I've had Faceparty / MySpace & Facebook.
About 99.9% of my friends are still active on Facebook, so until they decide to move over.. I'm sticking with that.

I personally think G+ came too late.
Note that when facebook was launched it had something new to provide to the whole world, now G+ is launched it has absolutely nothing to provide other than what is already there on fb (though a bit modified). However, if Google+ launches voice-based statuses updates unlike facebook, I believe people would start migrating to G+ in large scale.
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