GigaServers - 10Gbps Unmetered XEN VPS - Linux/Windows OS - From $16/mo (EU)

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GigaServers will cease operations from 25.02.2013 due to many problems with the datacenter bandwidth (not solved) and customers not co-operating with us and intiating PayPal disputes. We will be handling any refund requests along with any services that will be expiring soon.
GigaServers will cease operations from 25.02.2013 due to many problems with the datacenter bandwidth (not solved) and customers not co-operating with us and intiating PayPal disputes. We will be handling any refund requests along with any services that will be expiring soon.

You kidding how old are you?!

customers are not cooperating Imao but did you know that People have try to contact you few days now and you never reply anyone Back?!

A Mod ask you days before if you want to say something about it and after you see now all customers open disputes you come with that story.

Funny Really Funny Sir:)

OP, Do you mind to post an update of all the issues over here?

And pls say now that you didnt notice this message you was online all the days and watched this Thread so pls explain the true story the customers can nothing do about your worst service.
GigaServers will cease operations from 25.02.2013 due to many problems with the datacenter bandwidth (not solved) and customers not co-operating with us and intiating PayPal disputes. We will be handling any refund requests along with any services that will be expiring soon.

Not cooperating.... I asked you if I could move to your "new location" and you said that it was not ready yet... what the fuck is wrong with you? you just closed servers like that no time to make backup... bring my server back i'll pack my shit and get out... wow... It's you that's not cooperating...
Inabit guys! I hope paypal fuck you over!

Lessons learn't, never buy from people that don't actually own the servers or datacenter.
I've buyed a few days ago a VPS from 100TBh and there's the problem with the pings to the IP but no other problem.
It works good - no bandwidth problems, no other problems. Upload very good speed!

I think Gigaservers is going down. I buyed only one time here without problem, second buying was terrible (moving servers etc.).

Really terrible with them now. If you don't have to buy here, don't do it.
More like he took everyone's money and didn't pay for the server costs, as he was renting it!

Scammers beware..... Just my luck to be a noob and try and some new company out with not much rep.
Its always the same story..........I hope paypal screws you :)
what this mean ::(
is the gigaserver stop the service and not operate after 25-2-2013?
so how about my data?

GigaServers will cease operations from 25.02.2013 due to many problems with the datacenter bandwidth (not solved) and customers not co-operating with us and intiating PayPal disputes. We will be handling any refund requests along with any services that will be expiring soon.
Scammer interwap,I signed up and canceled my serive at the first two hours of using,I open 2-3 tickets I sent message here I sent email too but no luck.And the stupid thing is that I was covered by his ToS to refund immediatly...Damn you scammer.Refund
@AdLOW: On our website it's specified that we don't offer services anymore.

We will refund all affected users, one by one. Like I said, opening disputes makes the PayPal funds unavailable, so we can't refund users immediately. We currently have negative balance because of too much disputes open. We advise all users who opened disputes, to close them and send us e-mail asking for refund. This will help users receive refunds faster. It's likely that PayPal will close disputes in our favor, because they don't cover online goods, so opening disputes will only make your money locked or loosed.
Again all I see is I want my data..


How many times does this have to happen before members wake up and understand data is their responsibility. Don't trust anyone but yourself!!
We will refund all affected users, one by one. Like I said, opening disputes makes the PayPal funds unavailable, so we can't refund users immediately. We currently have negative balance because of too much disputes open. We advise all users who opened disputes, to close them and send us e-mail asking for refund. This will help users receive refunds faster. It's likely that PayPal will close disputes in our favor, because they don't cover online goods, so opening disputes will only make your money locked or loosed.

Can you elaborate then your term "affected users" ?

How I see it, all of us who got their services terminated are affected, so if your balance is negative by disputes by those affected users, that means that you don't have enough funds to refund all of users which I consider affected. And probably not all of them opened a dispute.

So can u please explain your term of affected users? It would help to get a better understanding about what the hell you are talking about :) Because this sounds jiberish
@elaikoo: With "affected users" I mean users who had VPS active with us and were affected by the termination of the service (not expired). We don't refund users who had a VPS active with us from 12 dec to 12 jan for example. Yes that's true, we don't have enough funds to refund all users, only when disputes are closed (by users or by PayPal). It is everything clear now?
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