—From €2.5/mo— Encoding, Admin, Private RDP, Seedbox, Rapidleech (FR,NL,+)

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ok im ready to offer a VPS plan now

my first plan
NL €12 a month
100GB Sata3 (Striped from 2 drives)
Ram 1GB
Transfer 1TB
CPU 1 core 3.5
Windows Server 2008

Meant for RDP users who don't like rules
you get your own Privet IP address
and a Trial of windows
use your own Key or I can use mine for another 5EU

Setup is manual so can take from 1-24 hours
depending on how busy I am

im still figuring this out so if there are problems do to my incompetence I will give refunds
and once im more experienced ill open more plans and likely an FR server as-well
java should be installed on all my servers if not just asked

login problems should be asked in tickets on my site
where I have the server info and your account ID

with 23 servers and just over 2000 clients
I have no idea where or who you are
you opened a Spanish ticket and I don't speak Spanish
so I was just leaving it for someone else to come online
I have 12 staff

anyway it appears you where posting proof of payment so I have activated your slot
is the problem on RDP solve now because the time we tried it once, it gets offline almost all the time when we wanted to use the rdp, its having a problem, we have used it for just a few times, its a waste of money and time because once you decided to reformat, we have to start setting up the rdp again..its really time wasting if your in user side who cant be online all the time just to catch up with the rdp being useable, i plan to try it again so i want to confirm if you found a solution to that problem
you opened a Spanish ticket and I don't speak Spanish
so I was just leaving it for someone else to come online
I have 12 staff

anyway it appears you where posting proof of payment so I have activated your slot

Please check again
View Ticket #405967
im not having near as much trouble with crashes as I used to
but no we have not found a fix
the problem seems to come without warning hit a server for a few days then go away
rarely more then one server at a time

I suspect a competitor is doing it
attacks one server for a few days then gets bord and quits for a while
it user to be a really big problem cause I only had 2-3 servers and the attacker could keep them all messed up
but now I have 23 and it's really not such a big isu anymore

I was working on the multie user license on most of my servers a couple days ago and rebooted them
so it's a bad time to try and get a feel for performance

but my 30GB HDD server
it's been running for 31 days
Screenshot by Lightshot
guess that means it needs a reboot hehehe

and the 30GB SAS 17 days
Screenshot by Lightshot

the rest where mostly all 2 days cept one at 5 and one at 15 hours
would be of little use if you couldn't
yes there are about 70 programs installed on the server
you can do just about anything but encode or hack
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