Getting my forum approved from Adsense

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I have just set up a forum.

It's a fan site of a cricket game called International Cricket captain.
It doesn't contain any adult or piracy related content.I would like to make a bit of money from it using adsense.Although,as it is a fansite,i can't put banners everywhere.I would put a banner on header & fotter.
But before that,how should i get it approved from adsense??
Does adsense approve forums too??
When should i apply?? I know one should wait for 3-4 months & build some good traffic.
I woudn't request adsense just yet m8, standard theme, no topics, no members... all you will do is shoot your self in the foot.

DO as they have said above get it all working, with memberes and posts leave it a few months and then apply

In order to be approved, your website must be launched and contain enough textual content for their specialists to evaluate. Websites that are under construction, don't load, or have non-functioning links, will not be approved. Please ensure that the URL on your application is entered correctly.

You must have access to edit the HTML source code of the website you submit for AdSense. If you submit a site you don't own (for example,, you won't be able to place the AdSense code on the site and your application will not be approved.

In some locations, including China and India, they also require publishers to have owned their sites for 6 months. They've taken this step to ensure the quality of their advertising network and protect the interests of their advertisers and existing publishers.

Unfortunately, AdSense is not yet available for all languages. If the primary language of your website doesn't appear in their list of supported languages, they'll be unable to approve your application. In the future, please check back at the link provided to learn whether AdSense is launched in your language.

Supported languages:
I think this is one of the most interesting articles I’ve read on this subject. You have made your points interesting, unique and I agree with most.
I am glad I found your article today.
I'm always curious as to why everyone on this forum worries about adsense approval?
Not once have I ran into problems in the past when I used to use adsense.
And most of the time I requested for adsense approval hours after website launch and they've always approved the websites.

My Advice: Add the code to your website, if you get declined, follow their instructions/advice/ToS
I thought the same 20k sounds like BS to me but hey ho you never know after all this world is one fucked up place isnt it lol

AdSense would have noticed the website long before it earned 20K. Unless you somehow found a way to drive 1,000,000 visits to your site in one day, in which case, AdSense is not your worry.
Read the rules first and don't take them like any other ad company if you break any of the rule they know what you have done and you will get banned sooner. Stick to basics and don't think you can become a Millionaire overnight. Best of Luck!
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