VPS [Germany] Cheap Unmetered VPS (Windows & Linux) Starting 15$ /Mo

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If you are looking for Quality VPS and do not wish to compromise on the quality, then KnowinServers is the way to go. We at KnowinServers offer you with the best and the most competative deals. Here are the offers from us.


All our vps are from Germany!.
All VPS are unmanaged.
If you wish to buy managed services, then it will be 30$ additional Per VPS.

We are ready to offer 2 Trial VPS for reviews.

Setup: Instant
Solus VM Control Panel provided with Linux VPS.

Payment Modes: Paypal, Moneybookers, Western Union, Indian Wire Transfer.

Contact: KnowinServers

MSN: info@knowinservers.com
Gtalk: knowinservers@gmail.com
Phone: +1 209 498 3075

If you wish you talk to us, give us a call or PM us
your phone number and we will call you back,

If you have any Queries/suggestions regarding our offers,
Feel free to contact us.

* I am a new Member over here,
So any body intrested in verifying me or my Company
Please let us know.

Looking for Resellers to resell our Products.
PM me if interested, will offer you a Good Resale value.
@ m107
No... Win VPS is for 25$.. and if you smell over sell, then definately you have a overselling environment around you :)

Well , about DMCA, Netdirekt maybe strict, but dsnt cause any harm...
Not to boast off but i have 100+ Servers from them..
So i have a good idea of what is going around....
Anyways thank you for your suggestion. :)
These are Unmanaged vps..
But if you need, we can provide you with managed services also.
Yeah file hosting, image hosting , proxy(Private) allowed.
PMed you the Ip address.

thank you
Well Yes with fee..
But if you need services like rapidleech installation or installing apache etc
we can do it for free.
About the Control Panel, cPanel license costs about 15$ Per month,
so we cant offer free cPanel, you will have to buy it.
Also there are Free Control Panels available like Kloxo, you can use it.
Yeah thats the reason.... And I need not prove it to everyone around, that we are Net Direcks official resellers...
Once again we am repeating, that i may be new over here...
But we have been in business for a quite long time..
And still if you doubt us,
Send me in your Phone number, i will call net direct and you ..and hold a conference then you can ask them about us....

I have got such Great deals specially for you People, and instead of
benefiting yourselves you doubt us...

And is there any host around, which can provide phone support? Rare right? But we do...

Common yaaa....
gr8 Plans..Probably you are first to provide 512 MB RAM VPS for 15$

Also test account can help people here decide be fore ordering

Good luck with ur sales..
Just tested their Windows VPS and i have to say the speeds are good i havent tested RS etc coz i just use utorrent i got pretty decent speeds on utorrent DL speed was going till 5-6 mBps and upload till 2-2.5 mBps

PS : All torrents were from private trackers :)
well intereesting offer but i dont use any vps before you can help me to instal apache php mysql and a freecpanel ... you have tutorials to use your vps?
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