Found a Site Call CB income with 101 blogs [need reviews]

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0 <--------can any one help me about this site. Looks promise because of 60 day money back guarantee but can we trust it
I extract this quate from the eBook i mention with the aurthors permission

Lets say you post 100 articles in your master blog and did the editing and all the media submitting as
well. And also lets say you posted in ezines and other 2 article submitting directories. Lets imagine you
invest 1 month to do all these works.
Logical calculation
100 article x 101 blogs x 3 article directories = 30300 articles you have post in different places in the
web. Now if we keep one visitor view per article per month then there are like 30300 views per month
According to product conversion rates if we keep a minimum of 0.01% conventional rates per 100 views
then = you get 303 buyers/customers to buy. Then lets say you promoted a product of $10 per sale you
get then with 303 buyers you get a income of $3030.00 per month. (All these calculations are the
minimum of all)
So those calculations tells you the story, no worries just jump into it and go for a 2 month try. I
guarantee your success.
Just like lifting a heavy object using a liver, each and every hard path as a secret, finding the
secret and strategies will show you the path of success
Formula to calculate the pay day income;
Targeted traffic x conversion rate x income per product = $$$$$
This is what exactly i was looking for really nice and simple but real methods.
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