Firefox Plugin: Tinypic Image Remoter

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Dman is a trustworthy guy, me and others can vouch for him, in fact, he deserves the trusted webmaster rank, don't know why I haven't added him to the group to be honest... all fixed now. :)

Thanks a lot for telling me this ! Congratulations Dman ! I am happy for you !
Ive always wondered how do you go about coding this what language would you use, is it javascript? Nice work Dman and welcome to the brown club ;)!
@litewarez - Nah, it needs to be simple.
Update: Added BBCode etc support. Anyone know some reliable porn hosts?
While i appreciate the addon, this goes through your site:

It would be nice to go from image ---> tinypic instead.
Tinypic doesn't have an API where I can directly make it go through Tinypic. Sorry. I don't see what's the problem if it goes through my site though. Would you let me know the problem?
^ Some people would be cautious of potential security risks. But then, you're a trusted webmaster (and I host you) so I know there ain't nothing suspicious on your site :P
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