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LAST WARNING TO USERS : Don't post anything without any proof . Any further claims (without proofs) shall be deleted and the user shall be infracted.
@avmalls I didn't delete it mate... the mods did ... and because its your own fault, you knew the rules from the start and you broke those rules so stop complaining! Now quit posting here unless you have something informative to say.
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@lawina Seriously? Your still going on about this? I said no about 3 times and its in the TOS that you agreed to when you signed up. I did not ask you to rename your files I told you clean files only meaning only non pornographic files to be uploaded.

Added after 51 minutes:

Hi members, we've made some tweaks to our servers which should improve overall performance, particularly upload performance as some users noted slow/frozen uploads during peak periods.

Thanks for your patience, if you have any feedback or suggestions please feel free to post.
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Simple.....Filevice not allow porn, but many filevice porn out there, they have time to check people to earn much, as I work 5 days and publish 3 files and make usd 28. Other people share porn, Filevice have no time to check even we can simple find it.


Type amateur filevice and search it on will see the sites host porn with filevice.

Mod Froomple , I agree that I not read TOS when signup. So, that is my fault. But, I just work this filehost not more than 5 days, I see they act so fast delete all my thing and remove all the earning. Even, still many porn link outside there, I din't see them take any action.

Ok....This is my last post here.....
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@lawlina you'll struggle to find many hosts that will openly say they allow pornography. there are so many issues that come with alllowing pornographic material. as soon as you allow it you get sick morons uploading k1ddy porn... see what I mean???

Hmmm, sounds like exacts words from Henchfile owner.
@stooky Sounds like the words of an ignorant troll :)

Do you just go round on every file host thread trying to stir up lies? Because by the look of your recent posts it seems that way. Not to mention you clearly have an obvious obsession with Henchfile.

file 225.1 MB and have over 100 download from japan why earn only 0.30$ ? it must 1.4$ like your rate !

I'll investigate this. Whats your username?
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Nope, I don't start trouble, I just state truth about hosts. I apologize if I've offended you. No I don't have an obsession with Henchfile but you guys do say a lot of similar things. Don't mind me. Lets just say I get paid to investigate file hosting sites. ;)

You mean "what you think is the truth". We say a lot of similar things do we? Where's your proof? Did you make that judgement before or after your first post in this thread stating that we would stop paying just like henchfile? Everything you say is based on assumptions and its clear that you have another agenda. How about just let us provide support like we created this thread for, is that ok with you?
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