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i think you need fast more servers
Upload in top hours is impossible webupload and remote upload dont work

0 Bytes from 354.9 Mb

Upload speed: 0 KB/Sec
Time remaining: NaN seconds :dan::dan:
remote upload very very slow ... Please FIX

Upload speed: 1 KB/Sec
Time remaining: 4 hours 47 minutes

Our techs are looking into this right now. There appears to be a lot of upload sessions backed up. Sorry for the troubles

I have problem with UPLOAD , I cant upload nothing stop in 1 % or 12 %
why is this problem
please FIX ....

We are looking into this. Please standby. Sorry for the troubles.

Yes My friends mdrr like for example MegaLoad or 10Upload --__--"
I dont trust FileVice realy.

If you don't have anything informative to say, gtfo of this thread.

i have the same problem. i cannot upload

We are looking into this. Please standby. Sorry for the troubles.
We will see but I cant use FileVice for the moment because I have many many problem with the new hoster lost money and time -_- its so difficult in this moment to trust new filehoster

I am sorry my friends Good Luck.
I know Filevice thru download Porn.

I am amateur porn uploader and an author from a very traffic heavy site.

After 5 days work with Filevice, I manage make around USD28 and sell 1 premium for Filevice.

Yesterday they remove my earning and delete all my file.

I write to them

They said my file DMCA, I dun know how amateur file can be DMCA???

I write to them again....

They only reply ask me read TOS

I just discover Filevice cannot share porn.

If cannot share porn how I can see many porn link around the net and I know filevice thru porn.

So, I dun know what is the working standard for this filevice, they can banned and cancel you in anytime they like.

In my mind, this is another cheating company which offer high PPD and let mant work FREE for them.
@avmalls At the end of the day we have to act on DMCA takedown requests for our own safety and security.

The reason I sent you our TOS page is because it states there that we do not allow pornography. If your files are obviously all porn (looking at the file names) you are showing a complete disregard for our rules.

There may be other users uploading the same content however we can't download everyones files and check them, we only go by what we see and complaints we receive.

And for the record, I have not banned or cancelled your account. I simply warned you about what your uploading.
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very good site.

but please dont ban adult uploaders.

when you take a warning, you can delete all dmca files. :)

sorry for my bad english :)
@lawlina you'll struggle to find many hosts that will openly say they allow pornography. there are so many issues that come with alllowing pornographic material. as soon as you allow it you get sick morons uploading k1ddy porn... see what I mean???
@scorpion65 that cant be right we haven't been deleting file money for DMCA infringing files. let me double check. whats your username?

i stick with rapidgator , trusted and porn allowed :)
tomorrow all my files here i will delete

Ok sorry to hear that. Don't worry about deleting your files, if you truly want to close your account I can do it for you.
Guys, before you try to hit back at the OP, please read their TOS.
Its stated in their TOS that "PORN" is not allowed, why don't you guys read it and act accordingly? :)

Please don't fight for silly reasons. If this host doesn't allow porn, well and good. You have lots of other options, think of it ;)
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