– $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

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No more sales,This is something strange,No sales for 4 Days,but the days 5 sales return with 3 sale in a day ,but again for 4 days no more sale,and again in days 5 sales return with 2-3 sale in 1 day,for 4 months this happens to me,very strange :(
ITS NORMAL because some servers goes down due to heavy downloads or other loads of servers and people can not download and they do not buy. That is it.I had same problem in weekend I was waiting more than weekdays but its %20 of weekdays.
EmilBlack EVERYone has different expectations and conditions.
You says 2 sales per day is enough and share adult
another says 4 daily sale is NOT enough and does not have web page...etc
If I get 1 sale per day or 7 sales per week , 30 sales per month x 11 $ = 330$ per month
if I get 2 sales per day or 14 sales per week 60 sales per month x 12 $ = 720$ per month
people are complaining about FSC download speed this is not good

the speed its oky for free user .. and that complaining that why most people
buy premium accounts if every filehost have affiliate program make his speed good or very good for free users no one will buy premium accounts ;)
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