FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Hi RickyFS,

Today I signed in and the site asking me to upgrade to Premium membership but I am already a Premium member for long time!

why this message showing in my account ?

also some of files are deleted because of non-activity, I contacted support team and they informed me that file may be deleted when I was a free user, but the thing is I never been a free user or uploaded as free user in Fileserve..

hope its not a bug or anything..

please help..

Thank you..
@ BloodSucker: Yes, you must be one of the few of the thousands of people that request payout who doesn't need to change their details. It will get fixed, when it gets fixed. I can't tell you a time and I can't promise you a payout because your Paypal was hacked.

72 hours minus the 60 hours which was weekend. You work on weekends or am I missing something here? Especially knowing that the Portugese and Spanish like to celebrate their "siestas".

@ ExploringT: PM me your username and PM me your links that were deleted due to non-activity. It may have been old links and not new ones.
@ BloodSucker: Yes, you must be one of the few of the thousands of people that request payout who doesn't need to change their details. It will get fixed, when it gets fixed. I can't tell you a time and I can't promise you a payout because your Paypal was hacked.

72 hours minus the 60 hours which was weekend. You work on weekends or am I missing something here? Especially knowing that the Portugese and Spanish like to celebrate their "siestas".

don't mix up spanish and portuguese....... spanish have siestas and God knows what else. we don't.

confirmation emails are working now.

if I request transfer to payout now, will it still be sent this week?
No guarantee of that since I'm not in control of it. I'd recommend pressing as soon as possible.

Added after 13 minutes:

@ ExploringT: I think it is because you've logged in with a Free user. Cookies have not cleared so you will get "pop up" :)
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Hi, Ricky

Can you remove this popup from me. I'm not too sure if that happens to others too.

Recently, I got this message


Even if I'm already a Premium member.

It's quite annoying it shows in EVERY page I have to click closed button.
And also when I manage my files in "All files" tabs, it shows everytime when my page got refresh.

FYI, I have clear cookies and try logout and re-login, it stills show that popup. It's quite annoy. Please help,

Thank you so much

Other browsers are the same, tried all Opera (Mainly), Firefox & Chrome (Secondly), Safari, IE. All are the same, it shows that popup, quite annoying
Hope the system doesn't get it wrong that my account is FREE (actually is Premium), then my files will get deleted after few days because some files are inactive (no download). I'm so afraid of that. >_<
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