FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Hi RickyFS,

I requested to transfer the money from my Earning Account to my Payout Account at 2011-05-31, but it's still in pending status now. Will it be done today (Tuesday)?

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Sigh, i dont know why people ask the same questions over and over and over again, :S :S , its been 1 year now, not even animals take this long to learn things.

I'll explain again for everyone to understand.

1.Ask for a transfer to payout account till sunday 11:59PM.
2.Wait for the money to move from earnings account to payout account, this will usually take 1-3 days. Its mostly done on Mondays or Tuesdays, the transfer can also happen on wednesday if there is some unique reason i.e this time there was a holiday on monday @ FS's office so no one was there to handle the transfers.
3.After transfers are done, ask for a payment as soon as possible so that you can get the payout on wednesday.

Simple, 3 rules, i dont know whats so hard to understand? If you asked on a sunday or before that for a transfer to payout account, you will definitely get this weeks payment, a little delay doesn't matter. Only get concerned if you asked for a transfer on monday/tuesday or if you asked for a transfer on sunday and it still isn't done till thursday.

Also i'll try to answer some questions just to help ricky.

Hi RickyFS,

I requested to transfer the money from my Earning Account to my Payout Account at 2011-05-31, but it's still in pending status now. Will it be done at today (Tuesday)?

i requested payout on last tuesday still in pending :(

Both of you asked for a transfer on tuesday which is 2 days late than the usual date. ALWAYS ASK FOR A TRANSFER ON SUNDAY, if you didn't, you most probably wont be included in this week's transfer.

I Have
Well Sir, Monday has Passed on and NOW we are in Tuesday
let's see what will happen today

Read my above message

Ricky please answer me in these questions :

1. Is allowed to reupload copy of file (backup) when DMCA delete them .
(If YES , then how many times) .
2.Is allowed to upload from from different places (for example from my PC but when speed is slow , to upload from VPS ) .

CloudShadow said say yes it's allowed , but I want your confirmation .

Best Regards

1. Yes you can post DMCA deleted files using the copy feature, BUT DO NOT ABUSE IT, stay in limits i.e make 1 copy at a time and you'll be fine.

2. Yes its alowed, i've already told you. Search in this topic and you'll find ricky saying the same thing a couple of times. I think he's tried of answering the same questions, so please do a little research about your questions. :)

And listen, if your account has to be deleted it doesn't matter if you post DMCA removed files or not, IF a company points at you and asks fileserve,filesonic, wupload etc etc to delete your account, these hosts will do it because they want to stay in business. They wont fight a legal battle in the court for you.

RapidShare deleted all the files in my account last week, around 12 tb of data, why? Because some company asked them to. What did i do? Nothing, because i cant do anything. I am uploading illegal files and this is just something i have to get used to. A couple of months ago they de activated my account because of copyright issues.

Upload till you can, when your account gets deleted in any host then simply create a new account, do not think about it a lot. :)


Earnings have been transferred, please click payout today so that you can get the money tomorrow.
earnings transferred clicked on payout,yay :)

btw @cloudshadow
yea i know,i was saying that sunday passed monday as well passed of this weeek but earnings were not transferred so i was just saying that

anyways now they are transferred :D
People need to shut their mouths and know their roles B-)

If you transfer before Sunday then you will get to hit the payout button before coming Wednesday. 99.999% Sure.
I'm not sure 00.001% becuase I don't work for fileserve :P

So people this thread for support eh..,Let's keep it that way and not whine here like 12 year old kids.
CloudShadow: You may be good at everything ! If people got issues or problems they will ask , since this is support thread .

@Ricky : Any chance of this kinda option :
Auto Payout ?

Its not about me being good at something or not, its about people asking the same things over and over again. We've been using fileserve for a year now, isn't it time that people realize how their system works?
half of the 1755 pages have how payments are made.....

Even if you did not catch up this week (late press the button or something else) u ll get paid next week so it's nothing so dramatic as some (18 to 20 year old) present......... 6,7 days difference.....

For Automatic payment i think people are used the FS system as it is, some of us keep earnings for many reasons (to extend account, to receive all money a specific date etc. etc.) so we prefer the manual system (default). If auto pay will many people get confused.....since most users are trained by the default system already.....and also there will be NO option for some to keep earnings inside if auto-pay enabled.
Changing the system now would be ludicrous.

And hardaway2000: Yes, there's a lot of problems, especially when I don't want to admit to that you had your money transferred. Try to have a little bit of patience - I know a lot of you in here do have that.

I think I'll ignore all "MY TRANSFERS DIDN'T GET DONE..IT'S 1.30PM ON A MONDAY WTF-FS-SCAM-ME" and just jump to the real issues/inquiries.
Uploading multiple files fia FTP causes 1-2 files repeated in File Manager (same file is shown with 2 different links ) , both download links will work ??
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