FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@ S30Z: We did some tweaking to the cookies so people can no longer share cookies with others far and beyond. THANK GOD!
nice change,this may make fileserve account more safe even if someone's account be hackedB-)
the only bad thing for me is i'm premium user and i make the password very very complicated to keep it safe,so when i login everyday,it's a little...;)
Hi, I test for references from web sales of reference.
An acquaintance bought a $ account and accounted for, another acquaintance bought a € account and was not counted.

Both as a reference on my site.
@ S30Z: Basically no one can redeem from your account now if they had your cookie. Now people would need your password to gain access to your account.

@ Ladyk: That should have worked too. The EUR one would have counted towards it too but credited as $. I'll ask techs to look into it again.

For me,
It seems to do this only when I´m using Firefox. I immediately switch to IE8 and find that I can achieve it no problem...Coincidence? well I dont know.

So far, using IE8 for copying has worked for me.

Can someone else confirm if it solves the problem for them or is it just coincidence.

"DMCA removed files" they will delete all my files (movies), can i just reupload them or what should i do ?
they removed me 1 movie 2 days ago, will they delete all my 500 movies ?
@ Ricky

Really Ricky FileServe is going down day by day for me , ftp upload is shit , direct web upload is shit to compare then ftp

when you will cover up :(

Please read the first post, ricky has said that again and again.


You are uploading illegal copyrighted files i.e movies. As they are illegal , they will be removed when they are reported by the companies who own them.

Just reupload the links and you'll be fine, forget about the files that get deleted as you cant do anything about them
from where i can find total size of all files i uploaded? if its not there. can u add that thing somthing like this
Files uploaded:
5585 files (987 GB)
Hey Ricky, I found a bug...

On my file manager, there are some files that I can copy with no problems at all, but there's one (that's why I found this bug), that I can't copy.

Any ideas? It's not due to the storage, that's for sure.


I have the same problem as yours!

FileServe become carry a tons of issues and most of them without any announce when they fixed and some are on the fly and some after three weeks or whatever the shit, Truly I can't wait this waste of time and effort

I also have your same problem...
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