FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Ricky, can you give us any news about the storage bug?

I tried to copy some files, and I got the error. The first time I had that (a week ago, perhaps), I deleted some files and everything was back on track. Now, that is not happening. So, if I deleted a lot of files, I would have some storage left.

Another thing that I wanted to know if there's any news about, is the 60 days problem. Is it on "stand-by" too? I'm not having any of my files deleted for a long time. Some of them are from July, with 2 downloads or something like that =)

Last question: can I create another account? I read that I can create a new one, since I don't use it as a referral, but I want to be sure about that.

Keep up the GREAT work, Ricky!
@ namdatviet: There's no way for us to check if it was uploaded incorrectly - It would mean we keep record of the file size or the MD5, which we do not.

@ FSuser: I don't think so.

@ techdaemon: Wait for day change + a few hours into Thursday.

@ LordWittie: I'll be happy to provide you with a screenshot of his earnings if he's one of your referrals. Are you sure you've set it to 30 days? When we show ref-earnings it shows for 7 days OR 30 days (if you click the drop down). We cannot show for "further back" than that.

Renaming going back to root is on top of the list when we fix the file manager. That will be one of the first issues that gets fixed.

@ Hedon: We will have it fixed soon. It's on top of our list. Are you a free user or a Premium user? Should not be any errors, ever, when you're a Premium.

We do delete files on a 60 days "wait", however, we do a sweep once in a while, just like we sweep files above 2.1GB. It's nothing we are too tight about as you can see ;)

As the only host that permits for this, yes, you can create another account. Just don't refer yourself or we will ban your accounts.
@ RickyFS: Can you check my account balance please?


With sunday 19

Without sunday 19

This happen after the first hours of monday, when payout button wasn't there.

username: lumihelis
hi, RickyFS

I used the Redeem to extend your Premium account, and i was wondering when does the premium account activities because right now it is still shown Free.
hello im in asia and here speed is slow thats why i use rdp and use my premium account at home/office so you may detect so many ips, upto 4/5 ips... but they did not download at a time... kindly tell me it will be still problem ... as i have not shared my account but i cannot upload if i cannot use fs account at rdp ...

waiting for reply thanks
Transfer to payout account can take.... days.
No rule for that - but it WILL get transferred within 2 days if you do it on a Sunday.

Requesting during the week does not make the actual payout (payment) process go faster.
You still have to wait until next week.
If only Fileserve could have an automatic payment system like HF :D

3/4 OF the posts here could be removed

1. Faster Payment
2. No need to transfer etc...
3. Just upload & check paypal balance every week :p
I got my third payment today!!! I already said I just hit my third payout button yesterday but I got my payment today, thanks a lot fileserve!!!

I have calmed down :D so I'm taking off my payment proof for this week wqwqwq
How about we cut the 3/4 of the posts and implement same rank with same payout...On top of that we won't tell you how we will manipulate your rank from zero to hero and back again if you make too much and convert too little for us? :) Sounds fair right?

This is by far the best deal you guys are getting. Free users are getting good speeds and a lot of downloads due to the less waiting time and the higher speeds. You guys make more. Free users are not hassled with slide-pops, pop ups, pop unders, full page cover up etc. I don't see why this is even a fucking question of whether you get your payment this week or next week because you were too late to request. Everyone who requests on time will get their money...If not, wait 7 days. Not that hard.
yeah, I agree mate, so far, the manual payout is fine with me, it actually serve as a good challenge :D, greater anticipations, and a lot of good surprises....!
my free users almost all have chosen FS as their download host now
Well Ricky as I said before and I will say again, DO NOT change the way do you things.

Its by far the best method among all the file hosts I have found. Please don't change it because some fools keep whining.

Majority of your users are quite satisfied with the payment system, ranks etc.... only issues are minor like the filemanager renaming and stuff.

You guys are the best and I hope frustration vented by a vocal minority does not change your policy now and in the future

@cilembo, those are insane payment stats, congrats!
I like the manual payout system. That way, I can keep piling on the $$ in my payout account till I reach the amount needed for a 1 year or 2 year account and redeem easily.
@ nikko: We have no intentions of changing it. It works perfectly fine and everyone who requests/knows the rules of requesting always get their dollarbills :)

I'm just telling people why autopay and such is a heap of "yada" when our system works just fine and keeps people on their toes to make more with us.

@ ahsanalishahid: Speeds are fine. I'm in Asia too.
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