FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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site is unstable and slow...., another maintenance?

stats is really slow since yesterday almost twice the downloads compared to previous day and stats are half then previous day, weird
Ricky, is there anything wrong with MU remote upload? I cant RU nothing today... It says that all links are dead (all links are ok)...
Yeah RiNCEWiND, having same problems here. It's not that its not working at all but loads of files are remoting as incomplete files and many of them are going straight to the failed uploads list. All links are working mind you.
@ Prazsky: Megaupload did changes and as I wrote before they have files marked as "unavailable" from time to time.

@ all: We may have found issue for your earnings. Please stand by.
hi ricky, I do not see the button transfer to payout account

@ Russhim: I can see files are getting moved. Files were moved yesterday, but a lot of you experienced "failed login" and "file not found" error - MU is either doing something on their end or they're maintaining their servers.

Likewise can be said about people who use JDownloader, Rapidleech and IDM - I believe that doesn't work either anymore.

@ emi0026: That's because we're performing something on our end :)
Ricky, I have a problem. I have premium account but when I try to copy any file, I get the following error:

The size of the file <file name> exceeds your storage limit.

Can you please look into it?

Edit: There is one more issue. It's taking nearly 5-10 minutes for the file manager to reflect any changes. For example, when I rename or move files, the changes take place after almost 5-10 mins as opposed to instantly like it was before.
File Manager could be outsync because we're doing something heavy in the background.

Until the transfer to payout button is back it means we're still working on the site.
RickyFS: At this moment (01:47 AM EST) I report that I have problems creating new folders and using the remote upload feature. I created a folder that appears and disappears when I switch to "my account" and "my files" and concerning remote upload, I put some files to RU and in 'pending web files' it says 24 but when I go to see them it turns into 0. Is it because you're fixing something? I'm going to sleep and I'll see tomorrow.
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