FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Stats are already showing a few cents fo today's earnings......

Please tell me that yesterday's stats are not FULLY calculated yet....!! :(:(

If those are the final stats for yesterday, then the result is disappointing..... :(:(
On my main (highest traffic) account stats for Monday is very low.
But on my second account stats are on par.

Mondays are normally slow days.

But... it seems a bit low though :(
as long as news don't indicate "stats are now fully updated", I see zero reason to ask the same thing for the 100th time since yesterday.
I'm asking because stats are already updating for today.

If they still showed $0, I wouldn't be asking!!

For me, Mondays are usually the best days, and if those are indeed the final stats (which I really hope they aren't), it's sad and disappointing..... :(

Please, RickyFS, just tell us if stats for yesterday are fully calculated.

I know that news on dashboard are not always updated as fast as Ricky can reply to us.....
^ you know what, just go to bed - these stats mean nothing since fileserve has the real stats.

as ricky has said before, wait for the stats to update.

Yeah it was really low for me too.

btw if people say the same thing over and over again then just ignore them, I mean come on this is a forum, no need to be hostile about it.
I can't believe that you guys are whining and crying for a few bucks, or cents? How desperate you must be? Are you even aware of your acts, in all? I am not saying it is forbidden to whine, but some of you sound like 2 year old kids.

Same thing I saw happening with RS, where ppl were uploading illegal content, and cried when their uploads weren't awarded. FFS get serious. RickyFS is the only man on the Earth that talks LIVE with all of you, when in fact, he could do the same like RS, automated email responder. And that would be the end of your whining. So DON'T PUSH IT!

@ RickyFS, stop updating money on hour basis, go to daily. And do everything to make those Amazon vouchers available as soon as possible. ;)
Did stats fully update? I see a drop from the usual earnings :/

We will be informed when they are and subsequently a news will be released, so hold your bumcheeks together and stop crying. Sounds like a bunch of pansies in here except for the very few who knows the definition of patience.
Update (5th Oct, 10am EST): You will notice statistics are "updated", however, they remain incomplete as of right now. We are working hard to patch the missing data and hope to have all the earnings resolved and up to date within the next 24 hours.
I usually create a folder and put my files inside it... right now when I create the folder, it takes time to appear on File Manager and when it does, takes time to place the files inside it...
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