FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@ ballwin: 9349 MB = 9.13 GB

FastLink does not count towards your earnings. It never has. We specifically made it like this so no one can take advantage of it. FastLink is merely for people who want their users to be able to download as fast as them.

@ irscene: Screenshot please.
Hi RickyFS.

I am giving the FastLink" a trial and have the following results so far for one
specific file:

62 downloads (9.14MB file size)
Total traffic Used 9.13GB

So if my math is right, how many files = 9.13GB's?

9.13GB = 9013 MB right?
9.14MB file divided by 9,013MB = how many downloads? about 986 download correct?

If my math is right, 62 "counted" downloads do not equal 986?

no money for fastlink kind of share;)
I think he knows that.

He is probably just wondering that if fastlink can not count properly how about non-fastlink files?
Are they counted properly?
And is the missing download count a sign of FileServe shaving download counts?

That might be what he is thinking about.
- just playing the devil's advocate here :)
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180 Day Fileserve Premium downgraded after 9 days

Hey RickyFS, could you please help me?

I used Fileserve for a while and liked it, so I extended it by 6 months, 11 days ago.
After using it for 9 days after that, my account got downgraded to a free account, and I have no idea why.

I read through your thread, and I never uploaded illegal content or shared my password with anyone.

I've sent two tickets to support but have gotten no replies, nor have I had any explanation e-mailed to me.

Thanks in advance.
@ ballwin: 9349 MB = 9.13 GB

FastLink does not count towards your earnings. It never has. We specifically made it like this so no one can take advantage of it. FastLink is merely for people who want their users to be able to download as fast as them.

@ irscene: Screenshot please.
Thank you for the reply RickyFS. didnt know it didnt count towards earnings. But the disconnect between counted downloads and GB's downloads are not even close. Why is that happening?
Upload speed now is 100 times slower than usual.
"Uploaded at 0.347 MB/s" instead of 20-40MB/s from US server...
What happening? weekend?
I think its better in the interest of both ends(FS & ALL USERS) that FS limit premium quota. So they wont need to ban any one.

Its waste of time hunting the "Dirty Leechers" and the genuine premium a/cs-- ultimately FS would be out from all warez-sites like RS. And uploads will come down.

I think FS should concentrate on improving their file-manager and their servers too.. Many times files cant be downloaded though they appear active in their site!


No answer from support team - more than a week so far.

I think its an area where they should work more.

Else FS has been paying us regularly. Hats off to them.
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