FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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No. We're currently working on export + mass rename and getting the file manager stats to be up to "current" time again.

Currently 18 hours behind. I believe when we've gotten a few of these things down we could hopefully be doing a Chinese New Years promo or something (that's if we do get these things down and working)
If you download that in a day, you will be disabled.

Few pointers for downloading:

1. Never download from 2 places at the same time, doesn't matter if its your Home PC and RDP, your account will get disabled
2. Download only around 100GB per day, there is no limit as to how much you can download per day, but its better to be safe than sorry.
3. Never start hundreds of simultaneous files at a time, do around 20 files at a time and add the rest in queue( this is possible with any latest download manager)

excellent advice


@ RickyFS if someone reports a folder link is the folder deleted or just the files inside?
@ RickyFS :

Files are disappearing from my account each day sometimes 1-2 but not appearing in the ''DMCA'' removed files + i didn't delete any files myself.

I had 5884 files , then 5882 , then 5881 , now 5879

But ''Dmaca Removed Files'' = 0

There's no Upload Manager for Fileserve, so i wanted to use the FileZilla (FTP upload) but when i put my login informations shown on my Fileserve account, an error message appears mention that "Bad login.." like this..

Any suggestion? Thank you.
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