- 8$ Pay Per Sale & up to 32$ for 1000 Downloads (Official Thread)

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Yeah, I got 500 Internal Server Error. Overloaded maybe ?

I guess implementing load balancing and fault tolerance web farm could help, but as long as FileReactor is in early amateurish phase we shouldn't expect rock-solid service. And this is really sad. :facepalm:
The website is up, and web upload is not working. I hope we're moving forward, one step at a time. B-)


web upload is working now, but the upload speed has to be fixed.

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2 days after 24hrs+ maintance and you said everything will be smooth!! Yes it is smooth for 1 day and it all down again. What happen?? When your site is all down, it down for more then 10+ hours that not good//

Please fix this asap!!!!:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
from tonight I get this error from time to time:

Software error:

Can't connect to Mysql server. at Modules/ line 28.
For help, please send mail to the webmaster (, giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

please fix it.

Edit: site and speed work fine now :)

Thanks for fixing.
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Anyone can receive payment after 09 MAY 2012 ?
Filereactor has finish the whole payment process within 3 days.

My payment status keep showing ‘PENDING’
Am I need to wait for another 5-7 days if I request payout again (during ‘PENDING’) ?

sorry my bad english

Sorry for Downtime we are Getting DDOS attack! our programers working on this issue i hope it will be fixed ASAP.

Payouts Delay more 2 or 3 days due to Site Maintenance. and every one will be paid ASAP.

Error: No such CGI app - /home/filereac/public_html/index.cgi may not exist or is not executable by this process.

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