- 60% over the sales and rebills

How would you rate our speeds?

  • Very high

    Votes: 15 10.9%
  • High

    Votes: 9 6.6%
  • Normal

    Votes: 43 31.4%
  • Low

    Votes: 23 16.8%
  • Very low

    Votes: 47 34.3%

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hi filemates please add the 1 hour wait between down for registered users also some people are registering and downloading without limits please add ASAP

thx sooooooooooo much for prem only feature that's business :D
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hi filemates please add the 1 hour wait between down for registered users also some people are registering and downloading without limits please add ASAP

thx sooooooooooo much for prem only feature that's business :D

Added. In 10-15 days, probably, we will increase limit of free users to 400MB from 100 and to 500MB from 200 for registered...

Thus, please use prem only feature to protect your files from free downloads...

This way, forums will not ban our host any more as you requested ;)
Added. In 10-15 days, probably, we will increase limit of free users to 400MB from 100 and to 500MB from 200 for registered...

Thus, please use prem only feature to protect your files from free downloads...

This way, forums will not ban our host any more as you requested ;)

I was doing well with 200mb free download limit for registered members!

I do not know why you have decided to increase it to 500mb

but if you are reacting to the complaints by users;

I can guarantee you that users will still complain with a 500mb limit. In fact,

users will complain even if, you increase the free download limit to 1GB.

If you are reacting to complaints by affiliates;

those are affiliates with a PPD mindset i.e. their primary motivation is not to sell accounts but to get downloads.

I do not see how increasing the free download limit will increase sales;


I was doing well with the 200mb free download limit.

I know that we can now set files as premium only but this is not the same thing, when the files are set premium (by download size) by the official filehost policy.

For example, uploaders can post oron files >1GB on forumpink and intp*rn but uploaders are not allowed to set files as premium only on these boards.

Even if the mods of these boards do not catch uploaders doing it, oron prohibits uploaders from sharing premium only links on boards which the uploaders do not own.

Please leave the 200mb free download limit in place.

Also what is the rational behind increasing waiting time between downloads.

Users absolutely love the short waiting time. Only affiliates are complaining and like I said before, these are affiliates with a PPD mindset.

My suggestion, is that waiting time should be eliminated altogether for both free and registered members and of course premium members.

Zero waiting time. That should be your distinguishing trait.

It will not pay off tomorrow or next week but it will pay off.

Some things simply need time to make their mark.

There are dozens of new filehosts popping up everyday, what is going to differentiate you from them if you all have the same characteristics.

Why would anyone buy a filemates account instead of any other filehost given that they are all alike.

There are so many medium luxury car manufacturers in the market but why does every self-respecting dude want a german sedan.

Above all, strive to distinguish yourself.

I am very glad that you have added the 'set premium only' function and internal copy

but other aspects like the download file size limit do not need to be changed at all. Just a few months back, filesonic was one of the leading filehost with a 400mb download filesize limit.

Filemates can do just as well or even better with a 200mb limit.

If you intend to grow faster, maybe you should re-consider the suggestion which I have made before.

Give some percentage of the sales to webmasters when accounts get sold on their boards irrespective of whether the files belong to the webmaster or not.
I was doing well with 200mb free download limit for registered members!

I do not know why you have decided to increase it to 500mb

but if you are reacting to the complaints by users;... ... ...

OK... Your text is too big but I will try to sum up the main points!

Premium users are premium users. They will never have limits. So no waiting time, no download speed limit as they get direct links and the speed is the direct communication between server and home pc and so on...

Now about the rest of users. We will not permit bigger files in the future.
We had it 1GB in the past and it didn't bring sales. We put it 200MB and it did.

We now upgrade to 500MB so that forums don't ban us any more as many uploaders complaint BUT we put very low speeds 50-80kb/s and 60-30 seconds download button...

Of course there is also 10 minutes waiting time before next download. This evits parallel download but is not that tragid for someone who wants to download more than 1 part.

Why do we change it? Exactly because we upgraded our system and now the new features permit PremOnly files. Now uploaders decide whether they want their files for premiums only or not.

Even if you do not want to restrict to premiums only, in case you are worrid that you will be reported to the forum and they will ban you, then just believe me with speeds 50-100kb/s they will buy premium accounts.

When we started we had 1Gb limit but with speeds 300-400kb/s
It is normal they didn't buy premiums. But with 50-100 I don't think they will do the same...

PremOnly feature though will help you with this ;)
Filemates in fact i think you shouldnt increase the file size limit to 500mb, its not because of file size limit that foruns are banning filemates

Its because uploaders only upload files bigger than that.

You should stick to 1 hour between downloads and to 200mb files with sucky speed

Look at letitbit! they dont have a MB limit or a file size limit

Instead, they put speed to 50kb/s and free file size limit!

THATS what brings sales up!

Imagine a free user downloading a 10gb file at a rate of 50kb/s

It will take like 2 days or so!

Taking in consideration that during the download, he might lose connection or he might have to turn his pc off and the download will go to hell because it isnt resumable for free users.

I have been using letitbit and i sold around 1200 accounts in 3 months, which is great!

Im now switching over to filemates and i already have 121 affiliates, not all of them bough accounts because they are also still using the letitbit premiums they bough in the past months, but for 2 weeks that is good also...

The only problem is the storage space limitation.

For example, i could host both premium/free links at the same time if ihad more storage space which would bring alot more sales and unban from every forum but i cant because i dont have space for that.

Imagine hosting a 10gb file with 1gb links (premium) and then 100*101mb links (around that) for free users

Well... with a one hour waiting between files tit would take them around 100 hours to wait between file downloads and another bunch to download the files.

That is what brings sales!

Dont touch free users 100mb/s limit but increase registered users one and lift the time to 1 hour between downloads and you will see your sales increased.

Also, considering storage space increasment would also be a good idea.

Stay cool Filemates! You rock!
Thank you for your suggestions. Indeed we already offer low speeds for free users. So this is something we have already adopted.

As always said, space is not a problem. If you are a good uploader, just ask and you will have it.

And to finish with, an announcement to WJ members, we redesigned the premium page and payment comparison... We already saw an incremented sales rate ;) I hope to implement a new multiplatform payment gateway soon, as well. This would be the best!
great news!

A multiplatform payment gateway like like netload or letitbit got will definetly bring alot more sales.

Keep up the good work!

How can I select all files for "premium only"
sales are all together. rebills are added in the daily sales as if they were new ones...

Please do us and yourself the favour of adding a rebill column like in the xfilesharing stats pic above.

I guess the sibsoft mod package, which shows rebills, costs money


put yourself in the shoes of uploaders. We have no way of knowing if you are counting the rebills or not.

All we have is your word.

Imagine that you were an uploader, would you have blind trust that the filehost admin has enabled rebills?

Please install the rebills column package,
1. that will be in accordance with your commitment to be a serious filehost
2. that will clear all doubts whether rebills are being counted or not
3. and it will allow uploaders to work with a peace of mind.
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