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504 Gateway Time-out.....when try to RU...!!!

pls solve the issue

pls don't reduce rates day by day....its not good at all....

i always love ur site...but u reduce ur own repute... by doing silly things like reducing speed,reducing rates etc...

we want Wupload....we don't want another holderfile....

hope u understand...
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FTP check because can not manage to throw anything!
If you provide me with more information then I can look in to it.

rates were reduced again

250MB+ 12, 8, 6
That's an increase, not a reduction.

It seems filelaser has something wrong with their counting system, this is the 2nd time I report the stats problem, counter is not working from time to time. Please look into it seriously.
I've fixed every problem you've reported thus far. If you can be more specific I can check for a problem. Your individual stats will be slightly out of sync with your total due to the fix I performed for you the first time.
Remote upload:
504 Gateway Time-out
There is a 60 second timeout on remote uploads.

504 Gateway Time-out.....when try to RU...!!!

pls solve the issue

pls don't reduce rates day by day....its not good at all....

i always love ur site...but u reduce ur own repute... by doing silly things like reducing speed,reducing rates etc...

we want Wupload....we don't want another holderfile....

hope u understand...
Speed reductions are unfortunately necessary. Within the past 12 hours our outgoing traffic has gone from 200-300mbit/sec with the old speeds to 700mbit/sec with the new speeds.

The growth was extremely sudden. I'd rather provide equal speeds for everyone rather than some people getting 500kbps and some getting 10kbps due to competition for bandwidth.
ftp is very fast, great site :)

Gonna give it a try. :)
I've fixed every problem you've reported thus far. If you can be more specific I can check for a problem. Your individual stats will be slightly out of sync with your total due to the fix I performed for you the first time.

IDK if it's only my problem, download counter is not working for me, stats totally frozen. I downloaded a file from 3 different ip, download counts shows 0. And my stats has been frozen for an hour.

sends the files, then stops and sends the new
Without FTP logs I cannot help you.

IDK if it's only my problem, download counter is not working for me, stats totally frozen. I downloaded a file from 3 different ip, download counts shows 0. And my stats has been frozen for an hour.

yesterday was: 250MB+ 12, 9, 6 :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
I believe I increased Region 3. Did those changes not apply?

Still 504 Gateway Time-out from 8 different sources ...
There is a 60 second timeout on remote upload. Combined with the fact we're currently sitting at 800mbps incoming means you're very likely to hit a timeout.

how to edit or rename the files....???

504 Gateway Time-out.....when try to RU

there is 60 second lock time...what do u mean by that ?? then how we remote upload ??

there is always error when RU....
Seems your download counter is broken, my friend just registered a new account, upload and test download successfully, download count shows 0.
nice interface and project. welcome to wj jason.

FM (FileManager) is excelent !!!!

a few things

- plz add option to change registration e-mail (not the PP MBookers email but the registration e-mail to change also)

- add option to save RemUpload usernames/passwords in RU queue (from other fhosts accounts in order not to enter everytime the details)

- add option to generate links without filename like

**the above link is non-active just for the example !!!!!

- file(s) should be kept for longer period rather than 30days......

- five (5) files for RU is too limited........ :( u should add a 20 files limit instead. It will be HARD to transfer content to filelaser with 5 files at a time.

- ADD remote upload SUPPORT from // //

As for storage we are more or less ok :)

maybe u should increase the premium only storage to 1 TB instead of 750gb

Since u are in UK u look serious from other services around. Adult (legal) content is allowed as u confirmed.

servers are in france only at the moment or/and UK also??

speeds are on average at the moment and sometimes above average. Where average is the speed that others provide for free users.

welcome and good luck ;)
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Still 504 Gateway Time-out from 8 different sources ...


how to edit or rename the files....???

504 Gateway Time-out.....when try to RU

there is 60 second lock time...what do u mean by that ?? then how we remote upload ??

there is always error when RU....
The file manager now has a right click menu for files.

I've increased the remote upload timeout, but be aware we're very close to maxing out our server and it may be slow during the day.

nice interface and project. welcome to wj jason.

a few things

- plz add option to change registration e-mail (not the PP MBookers email but the registration e-mail to change also)

- add option to save RemUpload usernames/passwords in RU queue (from other fhosts accounts in order not to enter everytime the details)

- add option to generate links without filename like

**the above link is non-active just for the example !!!!!

- file(s) should be kept for longer period rather than 30days......

- five (5) files for RU is too limited........ :( u should add a 20 files limit instead. It will be HARD to transfer content to filelaser with 5 files at a time.

- ADD remote upload SUPPORT from // //

As for storage we are more or less ok :)

maybe u should increase the premium only storage to 1 TB instead of 750gb

Since u are in UK u look serious from other services around. Adult (legal) content is allowed as u confirmed.

servers are in france only at the moment or/and UK also??

speeds are on average at the moment and sometimes above average. Where average is the speed that others provide for free users.

welcome and good luck ;)
Email change is planned.

Links requiring filenames is the only security feature we have for them right now.

Files are kept for 30 days since last download. I don't plan to increase this anytime soon. I'm actually thinking of making free storage space and time scale with how many people are actively downloading files. There are a few free users hitting our max storage limit already without even a single download and quite honestly it annoys me since they're just wasting space for no reason.

Remote upload is not something I'm too keen on. Programming downloaders for every other file host doesn't really appeal to me all that much, especially since I don't even use file hosts and don't feel like wasting money on premium accounts for testing.

Premium storage will increase as our capacity increases.

I was going to buy our next server in DE or NL. However, our outgoing traffic is increasing by 100mbit/hr (currently at 750mbit/sec) and I'd be bankrupt by bandwidth charges within hours.
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Filelaser people uploading 100-200 files, and then send upload to blogs/forums so don't worry about users which are hitting max storage, they will send upload and downloads will come later;-)
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