- Simple Pay-Per-Download Program

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Payment received in less than 12 hours! You are great man.

Guys, be patient, they are working on those speed issues.
1 Important question, do you guys still pay with paypal?

If yea, I'll start using your host again.

We intend to have paypal back. However, a definite date on this is cannot be given but expect it be available by next week. If possible, please send me a PM on the kind of traffic that you can bring in and we can have a few extra arrangements in place if there is enough traffic. Note that no porn content is allowed.
Thanks man, and congratulations to you.

I received payment as well, Thank you FileDownloads.
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3 days ago !

What happened 3 days ago?

Added after 7 minutes:

Payza Payment Update[Sept 20th, 2012]: btw the payments news is that most of payza payments till Sept 20th have been made. Only two payments remain and they too will be paid by end of next week. Those are 2 big payout payments!!
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I would kindly inform you I required the payment last week but it's still in pending status.

With Regards,


Upload never works !!!!!!!! Why don't you fix it ??????

Upload never works !!!!!!!! Why don't you fix it ??????

Added after 3 Hours 19 minutes:

If you don't fix the UPLOAD ISSUE it's impossible to use your host !!!!! UPLOAD never works !!!!! never never never!!!!!!!!

If you don't fix the UPLOAD ISSUE it's impossible to use your host !!!!! UPLOAD never works !!!!! never never never!!!!!!!!
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