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i wouldn't call them scam just yet.You see that the site has huge traffic since the down of many other hosts.

Seeing that they face many problems since then.Files are down.Views not counting correctly etc.

Knowing that they have fired their administrator of server and script and they search for new they are in a hole right now.I won't conclude so fast in scamming.They are few days late and get that.its weekend.None is working so i would wait until monday,tuesday.

Then get your hopes down.

How do you know they have fired the administrator ?
i wouldn't call them scam just yet.You see that the site has huge traffic since the down of many other hosts.

Seeing that they face many problems since then.Files are down.Views not counting correctly etc.

Knowing that they have fired their administrator of server and script and they search for new they are in a hole right now.I won't conclude so fast in scamming.They are few days late and get that.its weekend.None is working so i would wait until monday,tuesday.

Then get your hopes down.

I talk with filebox since day one they started their business.Months ago.

Lol.. you know he is a one man show. No one is fired or ever hired.

I will give him that it's a weekend, but when he told us he was sending payments "in 20 minutes" it was not a weekend and was just a lie. If we have learned anything the past from filehosts they will say what you want to hear to keep you generating money for him as long as possible. Next typical excuse will be "our paypal account is having issues"

.. I still wouldn't yet call it a scam also as I have a 7 day grace period but server issues are not related to getting paid so it shouldn't be mentioned as a defense.
There is no one man show that can control 2 hosting sites..Some people cant control 2 websites if you ask me.

Also the server issues,script issues and etc of course will keep him from not paying the right time..its something that might happen..But i am not here to keep you from leaving nor help him..

I just say my opinion.
You are an awful/lazy webmaster if you can't handle more then 1 site yourself.

You fail to realize how easy it is to run a hosting site.. drop a pre-made script with pre-made plugins to do everything for you.. the only hard part is getting money together to get enough servers to handle your traffic... if you don't have enough money for that then you end up wasting all your time answering email complaints.

This is a one man show even said so himself a couple times on this thread.

But back to the main issue of lack of payment.. we will all have to wait and see what happens.
Filebox owner now enjoying free traffic after only one time payment to some members , this is the game how long he can get free viewers without paying now.
We will hack

Filebox owner now enjoying free traffic after only one time payment to some members , this is the game how long he can get free viewers without paying now.
If Filebox owner scam Wjunction member,we will shutdown website X-(
This is filebox's situation:

-many links don't work or speed is very low (between 10 e 50 kb\s);

-RU works just few times and speed is very low (300kb\s)

-filebox support on wjunction doesn't answer;

-filebox support on filebox site doesn't answer (I opened two tickets but noboby answered me);

-for now filebox didn't pay his uploaders;

At the moment filebox hosting service is totally useless. :facepalm:

Just a question, where is filebox admin?
another shitty host is gone, enjoy your money Filebox :D please shut down your site, make another one, then offer 120% per sale, make a weekly payout, during the first week just say that your paypal account is now limited and in review, then promise to your affiliates that they should not be worry and you will pay them by next week. and for final act; just bring the bad news, your paypal account is closed due to high risk of having a file host business.

note: make this routine as many as possible, it serves as a passive income for your shitty lives. :P
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