Facebook (FB) or Google+ (G+)

What will you use now?

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from now... facebook is good.. coz lot of my friends and family are all facebook user.. but as far as i see on google+ it has a big chance to beat FB.. :D
Haven't seen anything of Google+, lets see what it does in the next few days. Then hopefully we can comment on who's better.

For now, it's Facebook
Both G+ and FB
Personal preference - Google +
But G+ currently does not have a community which is needed on a social network, so for now Facebook
yah, i dont love to use social networks to share my life lol. But I love to use them to promote my websites :D

And i think this poll s just for new social network's users, if you have alot friends/relation ship at FB and its great also, will you switch to G+ ? :D

oh well, you should add this option to the poll.

"Both of them"
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