Email validation service

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Active Member
Brand new and the best email validation service thus far.

This email validation system has a lot of features that can help you with your email campaigns. You can use our API integration which supports more than enough programming languages such as GO Lang, Ruby, C, Java, Javascript, Php, Python.

  • It has built-in Abuse Detection - Meaning it will flag emails addresses known for clicking the spam button.
  • It has spam trap detection - Contrary to popular belief that all spam traps are not detectable. It’s simply untrue, there are many spam filters that will auto-reply that the email is a spam-trap and you email it again, you’re blacklisted.
  • Data Appends - This is amazing, they will tell you the first name, last name, and gender for the majority of your emails - What other company does that?
  • IP Location - If you upload the IP address, it will append the location the email was captured from.
  • Disposable/Temporary Email Detection - If an email is a temporary email address it will tell you, those are not worth mailing too.
  • Catch-All Detection - Meaning the email address can be good/bad - these addresses will always verify as valid.
  • Do Not Mail - Role-based emails and emails from spam companies fall into this category.
  • API - You can interface with their API and do validations from your registration screen.
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