Easy-Share.com - Up to 65% from all sales, now with Rebills!

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I received it in time as always =)

But me too, I wonder too where ES is.. for weeks not replying questions, come on ! Waiting for weeks on a reply on a PM, but nothing....

ES, if you want to close this topic, please do so. But stop playing sick games with us !
Last edited:
2 Elleboy

you have some issues with dl stats?

you are not counting downloads properly. I tries downloading the same file from 3 different computers to check but found that you didn't count a single download :facepalm:. I started using your service along with uploading.com the same day and provide mirrors for both. No wonder that even with uploading's rank sytems i am getting much more downloads and earnings from uploading. Crocko's stats are 1/10 th of uploading's.
How to change epoints to cash?

Added after 12 Hours 33 minutes:

Why my plan was changed automaticly from PPD to Program1?
Who gave you the permission to change it for me?
Change it back and never think your clients are foolish!

Really sucks and unprofessional host! Never use it anymore!

Same for me and another houndreds of users..
Read this topic..
mybulldozerproject status has been stucked at processing (downloads: 1 completed) for more than 12 hrs. It usually process pretty fast. Hope it is not due to SOPA
you are on my list maybe i will use this filehosting

but there is no supoort here? and i dunno if gonna do the same as FS, FSN

do crock pay ?% for sales made through sites? (domain sales)
Please fix your FTP connection

i can still see my stats and i created a phony new account, and i was able to join aff program..
And on the news page i could not see anything about closing affiliate program..
So, whats really happen?
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