Easiest method to make 10 or even 100$+ a day!

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Active Member
Hey guys!

Been in this forum for a long time, found lots of good methods and information. Decided to give back some to this forum. Found method that works for me couple of weeks. There's no skills or money required.

So here it is.. You know that facebook block all link shorteners that pays money for views. I found one that for some reasons are not blocked by facebook! I don't know how long, but now it works like a charm!

If you want to thank me for this method you can sign up under refferal link (If I can't do this mods message me and or edit my thread and delete it).
Non referral link

Now... create a facebook account. Join big groups that has lots of members and are not spammed on any nishe you like... We'll post something that are really hot at the moment like terror attacks, new movies... etc. You just need content that lots of people are interested in. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX! You can even create FAKE content and it will get huge in hours!

I personally used dating/add me/hook up groups and posted articles like "How to get women in bed in one hour" or so... Why i did this? Coz when you post in the niche, good content accounts will not get flagged out fast. Most of people don't care about link shortener if they get good content.

So it's your choice of how to do it.

How to duoble, triple or even... your earnings?

Create a website in any niche you like. Post your website shortened link. If you work with adult/dating nishe, you can try any webcams affiliate (like chaturbate) or pick some CPA offers. One my friend doing this with adsense and it's works great.

By the way. If you creating lots of accounts, joining lots of groups facebook will suspend your account from joining and posting to groups. So here is how i do it: create one legit account, like some pages, write some from time to time, like some games if you want.. etc slowly join to lots of groups. Than just invite/add your new accounts to these groups. :)
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Thanks for the advice. Could you recommend some dating affiliate sites that you use? All of the ones i've found have to get approved. I'm also thinking of sharing my method for something else that made me about $600 this month
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Thanks for the advice. Could you recommend some dating affiliate sites that you use? All of the ones i've found have to get approved. I'm also thinking of sharing my method for something else that made me about $600 this month

Please share your idea. We are very much willing to here. :wave:
This can be monetized in many ways like making them do offers or even install something ;)

It's really depends on what country you live. Like i live in lithuania, it's easy for me to get local traffic, but really hard to monetize it. Cpa networks has very few offers and all of them are PPS. Sometimes you can't get even one sale from 10.000 or more hits, so shorte.st works better in this case. Anyway in summary it's just easy and simple to get some bucks for start. :)
this way are good to use in last part of download not in start , more users annoying to see ads they dont want !
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