- Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

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what is "status points"?
How to get it?
and how to request payout?

You can get status points by being a active uploader but also by advertise for our service and so on.
if you get 20 status points you just get up into a higher rank which means you will get higher payments per 1000 DL's

you dont need to request payouts, you just have to choice a payment method and every monday if you get more then 10$ it will be paid automatically
Ok guys:

Tomorrow our probation time ends here and we are able to send privat messages and recieve it.

Now we give a special offer to everyone here with minimum 25 posts on WJunction. This offer is only for the WJunction Forum !

All you guys with minimum 25 posts get a free premium access for SIX MONTHS, EVERYONE !

Just start sending us a message when we out of probation Status with following information:

WJunction name:
Duckload name:
Duckload ID:
You using Duckload as host ?

The last question is just for our information even if you write "You don't use as host", you get a free premium access for 6 month.

After you sent us this message you get a premium-code you can enter here:

I hope you like this offer.

AND BY THE WAY, the ranking-system is working on wednesyday, i promise. You will get next status very fast be sure. We are not like hotfile where you stay on copper for a long time we want to have a good relationship to all uploaders and help them to get black member.

Remember this guys, we are able to send messages now :)
Ok guys as we promised there is the new feature, a special LINK export.

Just mark the files and you are able to short the files or get the full links.

See it here:

the real name mp3.rar
if i try to rename make the name numbers or add numbers after .rar
like mp3.rar022569699963
also i have same problem with all files names
We send you now the privat messages.

The message is not in our sent ( outbox ) after we sent it. How to make it ?

In User CP> Edit Options find this :)

This is the working plugin for rapidleech upload & upload limit has been set to 2000mb

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