- Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

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Duckload please create a rapidleech plugin

We already have a rapidleech and megauploadleech. We are going to create a hotfile and fileserve plugin for you.

yep old system. my ID: 129557

my all files has been removed. But i liked your new system. gonna try out.

We will check about that.

i need that code, i replied 2 to your thread please give me that code

The code you get in 2 hours.
OK Duckload

I am waiting for you i register my account on Duckload

You get ! Just give me your accountname. I am wondering the privat message is deactived in this forum.

Can I get the premium account as well?

I guess I was one of the early birds there. :P

My user ID is: 33469

We will provide you 6 month premium in the next hours.

Heey i am a member of the site for a long time..Can i get premium account??

You get ! What's your accountname ?
$45 per 1000 download.. Sounds promising =D

So my question is; how hard would it be to get the rank "black" and how hard would it be to keep it?
You get ! Just give me your accountname. I am wondering the privat message is deactived in this forum.

We will provide you 6 month premium in the next hours.

You get ! What's your accountname ?

Registered as: Ariyan (User ID: 157412)

Thanks :)

You are in probation , you need to wait for 2 days to get into member group then you can send pm :)
can i get an premium ??

Provide us your accountname please or accountid.

$45 per 1000 download.. Sounds promising =D

So my question is; how hard would it be to get the rank "black" and how hard would it be to keep it?

To get blackmember you need to be very active because we don't have any earnings on users like this. In the best case you are own webmaster and refferering much premium accounts to

you give premium?

illetyus (ID: 129557)

thank you :)

No problem.
Question: The last time I checked (before the rewards system is in place), I received quite a few downloads. By a few I mean thousands. But now all my files state that there are '0' downloads.

Is the counter being reset because of the rewards system?

By the way in order to PM us, you need to get out of the "Probation" status.
my account name is msplash9


Question: The last time I checked (before the rewards system is in place), I received quite a few downloads. By a few I mean thousands. But now all my files state that there are '0' downloads.

Is the counter being reset because of the rewards system?

By the way in order to PM us, you need to get out of the "Probation" status.

Yeha, you are right. After we getting the new system we reseted uploader-stats.

And where can i download rapidleech upload plugin??

Well in the "settings" we are providing you access to rapidshare and megaupload, you just have to type in your account there and you are able to copy your whole rapidshare / megaupload account to
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