Do autoposters increases load on server

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What type of autoposters ? Do you mean a script ? or bots ? or people using Multiposters, Sharpleech, ThemaPoster etc ?
Yeah Multiposters.Having excess multiposters on sites using script dle will increase server load??

Also can I use google search inspite of site search in order to decrease server load??
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If its just a multiposters probably not because its just like a normal visitor, it does the same actions as the user but everything is automated.
Auto poster (Multi Posters) does the same work as a user does

They fill the database with useless content

Many of them post like 250+ news per day

So increase in database = slower speed if server is not much good :|
A member which uses a autoposter needs less traffic than a real user.

these programs are getting just the very necessary information of a page (no images, no css, no ajax).
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