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its not gone mate. click on created tab and sort them according to date. it used to be default like that. this is probably a glitch with their new system . hopefully they will fix it soon
Depositfiles' Partnership with Vobile® / Vobile vCloud9™:

DepositFiles is pleased to announce of a new reinforcement in constant opposing copyright infringements. An agreement is made with Vobile Inc, a worldwide leader of content filtering solutions, enabling us to use industry leading Vobile vCloud9™ solution and vast proprietary multimedia database as a great addition to our present filters, aiding detection and removal most of known infringing content before it even appears online.

About Vobile:

Vobile Inc is the leading provider of content identification and management products and services for all stakeholders in the digital content value chain. Vobile's solutions lead the market across all platforms including mobile;
Proprietary technologies enable fully automated identification, tracking and management of any video and audio content with high accuracy and scalability to help ensure copyright compliance and reduce the operational costs associated with preventing unauthorized distribution of copyrighted content;
The company's customers include content owners, user generated content sites, cyberlockers, ISPs, advertising networks, trade organizations, and analytics companies worldwide.

Feel free to visit for more information.

I just hope they don't start to filter based on file names like NL! :facepalm:
They were already doing "content filtering" based on MD5 of files, not sure what this whole new crap is all about.

P.S. My stats are fine.
I just hope they don't start to filter based on file names like NL! :facepalm:
They were already doing "content filtering" based on MD5 of files, not sure what this whole new crap is all about.

the answer is simple. Filesonic started to use vobile about one year ago and the experiences are still available even if FS is now dead since 4 months.

The old system of DF was to blacklist MD5 codes AFTER a DMCA report. The vobile system will blacklist MD5 codes based on an external database. A file gets blacklisted BEFORE the upload. This vobile database gets fed from the industry on the release date.

It doesn't matter if a file gets renamed or the extension gets changed. A direct upload will fail.
The only workaround are ZIP or RAR archives with individual modifications (small text files or previews), preferred with passwords and file encryption.
LOL, I upload my stuff just a few mins after they're released by the source, let them try blocking the file before I upload it! =D
I don't see much use in this system anyway, DF bans people who upload obvious stuff very fast, thus the people who survive are uploading files that their owners don't care much about them and don't send DMCAs, thus they're less likely to submit the hash of the pirated copies to the vCloud database too. :sun:
Anyway, time will tell.
I guess it's useless to make a account on DF now then.

why is it useless?
I have avoided a ban for the last 4 years with this host - yes, the risk of a ban exists.
I have read their TOS and understand how they count the downloads. I am able to use my brain and I do not consider it as necessary to shout twice in each sentence "they are shaving and they are scam" 8-)

they were overrun by up- and downloaders in January and they have managed to upgrade their servers and to survive.

but I am happy if you don't sign up, if you don't shout idiotic statements and if you don't waste their bandwidth. :)
why is it useless?
I have avoided a ban for the last 4 years with this host - yes, the risk of a ban exists.
I have read their TOS and understand how they count the downloads. I am able to use my brain and I do not consider it as necessary to shout twice in each sentence "they are shaving and they are scam" 8-)

they were overrun by up- and downloaders in January and they have managed to upgrade their servers and to survive.

but I am happy if you don't sign up, if you don't shout idiotic statements and if you don't waste their bandwidth. :)
Where did i say they are a scam?

Next time don't try to put words in people's mouths.:facepalm:
I've been banned cause of DMCA .
if no warez file so what must be uploaded ? linux ?

I've been started uploaded mobile stuff(mostly for android) and 0 files has been baned.But i stop working with this content because it's very hard.New versions of the apps comes almost every week or even a few days,and when it comes nobody wants to download the previos version which you distribute few days ago,so you must do much more work then with other content:movies,xxx,music and other which files will be actual for a long time.
2 years ago i easy made about 20$ per day on DF with music content,if i do that this time i will get banned.They blocked even a singles,i always think that the single is a promo material which is free to share but see that many mp3 singles of popular US artists hase been blocked.
So i really don't have idea which content don't let ban you and easy brings you much dl's.
I requested a payment first time today. Where should i press to see if my payment is still pending, approved etc?
It is my first payment request and i am not very familiar with this.
I dont its about how many DMCAs. if you are uploading sensitive files like American movies and music and game and such the moment they determine the nature of your files it wont take long before you are banned !