deFiant - WarezHaven Scammer

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Active Member
Okay so I sold my website to deFiant the other day and well he told his credit card company to reverse the transaction, so I had to write a big long arse statement to PayPal explaining everything what had happened, really hope he doesn't get away with this :/

Any advice would be nice..

My reply to the claim:

Hi, this gentleman recently purchased a website and domain from me on a webmaster forum, the total cost we agreed to was 400$, he told me he would pay 250$ then in a fortnight when he gets paid again he will pay 150$ making a total of 400$ I agreed to this, When we spoke on msn he reduced the amount he would send me to 200$ as he needed the 50$ I trusted him so I agreed to this. I sent him the the sites files and database and I pointed the domain to his server, I didn't transfer the domain yet until I had received the rest of the money, we both agreed to this. I did it so I had insurance incase something like this happened, it's a years work and I didn't want to end up losing my site and getting no money in return. A week passes and he informs me he wants a refund because he is going to the army, I said no because he already has all my files, he said he has to leave before friday because he just got a letter and a phone call from the army, I was skeptical to say the least, I explained I can't do this because he has half of my site already, he signed off and never came back online again. According to his story he should be in the army by now, which obviously turned out to be a lie.

The webmaster forum he bought my site from:

Personal Message he sent me:

His username is deFiant, I can prove he is that member because he signed up to the site I sold him and it automatically stores ip logs:

then when I click find it searches through his account to find his ip address/addresses

Dannysc was his account before he bought the site and created the deFiant account. The ip he uses with paypal should match the ip what was logged on the forum:

When I search his ip:

You see it finds his account, therefore he is deFiant
I don't know if Paypal would do something but I sure as hell hope they do. I'm honestly skeptical that, due to all of the recent scamming, that the Marketplace here gets closed.

And i agree with everyone else, you can't trust no one now.

More than likely this will put a huge dent into the closing of the section me thinks.
There should be a usergroup whom are allowed to access the marketplace

something like a minimum of 500 posts and at least 2 months registered
Tbh i dont think the market place will get closed because its not wj its its nubcake members (no offense to anyone who is not a scammer)

If any of you older members were members @ WBB, they shut down their marketplace because of all the scamming that was going on so I wouldn't be surprised if the staff here did the same...
Verified Member - Has done deals with no scam reports.....This might help the new + advanced members WHO to really trust when buying/selling stuff, not just people with 0/10 posts or whatever will stop most of the i've been scammed by so n so on a daily basis.

^^ something close to that we need.
reading this seems it wasnt a seller that did the scamming,it was a buyer... so to say 500 posts to sell or whatever would have had no effect on the outcome of this
we should have a itrader feature
which would be better because at the moment
we have maybe 2 - 3 backing a person because they
bought soemthign from them ect...

but if you saw 3 itrader you would think twice.
I vote Hawk becomes in charge of the WJunction Marketplace :O
hawk was admin on a black market that is well known for scamming and carding and u want him in charge of wj market lmao funny

@sp32 thats why you should use wire transfer or wu when u sell important stuff
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