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Tickets also seem to be deleted for no reason.
Had tickets open and since I didn't get a response for 2 days, I sent a request to send all tickets to me.

However, none of them was there, which I opened because of the problem.

I find it quite outrageous to first close all tickets without response and then let them disappear secretly.
What you guyz think ? they are your servant ? why should they ans to all your tickets ?
they dont have life? they are not humans ? if they did close you should have sense guys they are facing some major issues ... may be some technical issues may be some funds issues may be some gateways issues anything is possible .. all are humans they are not robots who will give you 24/7 services for your emails tickets... some time its happen i saw already in many sites its ok its a part of life wait for them wait for good hope may be they will come may be they will solve your all issues may be sales will fall like a water fall who knows that ? so just keep work in ddownload and wait for them they are genuine honest...
thanks alot
You don't even know what problem I have, because I didn't mention it here.
I don't care about sales or downloads.

but if i can't work with ddownload and they don't even answer my tickets and just close or delete them for weeks, that's not a problem you're describing.

so if you have no idea what problems others have don't get involved.
I think ddownload is currently working on some solutions to handle things much better, which is why everything is currently taking longer. If tickets are closed immediately, there will be reasons for that, alternatively write to wjunction here.

From the beginning it was said that ddownload --> is NOT PERFECT, but that doesn't mean that things work worse or not at all or are NOT improved. We're trying to keep everything running and work on solutions, give it time!

Furthermore, payment was received and I can also say that for my colleague :relaxed:
Tickets can be closed without replying but there must be some reason behind it
Exactly, if DDownload bans an uploader for cheating, I think it's legitimate to close all tickets opened by his new fake accounts without comment. Such behavior must not be tolerated among uploaders, because otherwise these few people can financially harm the large general public of uploaders.

Case it happens with others wrongly: I keep my fingers crossed that everything quickly returns to normal. Do not be infected by the stench of hatred and dissatisfaction of this one user, he has already failed at several OCHs and also in many other forums.

There are always weak times in this business, I had them too. What I have learned is that hard and steady work pays off in the end.

Good luck to all of you honest uploaders in the new week and I wish you great sales.

Good Luck GIF by giphystudios2021
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Like i told already before. Instead of investing tons of writing here, maybe some could invest time for putting effort in another filehosting. There are more than enough alternatives here. During this time in putting effort discussing here. It makes no sense. If you arent satisfied, so simple.

You dont get any answer @ tickets? then we arent interested in working with you. Or just send me here private message.

Some are also relying on unlimited storage over tickets but doing 50 eur monthly. Are you serious?
I don’t understand why I get only sales and the referer is always download.com and not my website where users are coming from.

Does the referer only work if a user click on the banner with a referer link or does it work even with links files?
I don’t understand why I get only sales and the referer is always download.com and not my website where users are coming from.

Does the referer only work if a user click on the banner with a referer link or does it work even with links files?
Add referrer=<your site> to your download links and you'll see the income in the websites column on your stats.