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Discussion Thread
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How is it possible that some of you can upload / be a webmaster and yet not able to read?

Your requested payout will always be paid out between Friday and Monday. Make sure that you always request a payout before Friday. @itt121

Four-digit sums ($$$$) can take up to a month and is part of the normal procedure of payment.

when will i receive my payout 2022-03-11....

basically today, today you'll get your money.
Hi, @ddownload.com what is the correct PATH for API Upload files.


Please contact https://support.ddownload.com

Some Information regarding USDT:
We gonna add this week USDT for payout options.
TRC-20 and ERC-20 supported.

Some Information regarding PayPal:
We arent able to payout to Russian PayPal Accounts anymore. Due to the sanctions because of PayPal there were problems for Russian customers.

Some Information regarding Webmoney:
The Exchanger has said currently there are no problems with Webmoney and will continue as is. As soon as we know more we will tell you everything here.
About 3 week without sales and rebill! Daily download 400-500 + 30% files are big file
users don't love anymore buy DDownload account!

Now days sales down its just a matter of time i m sure
we should wait for more days its just not with ddownload ... some time sales down in every filehosts but thats not mean users are not happy :)

Users love Ddownload :)

I tell you one story once up on a time few users came to me and they said to me sir we want ddownloads links :) because ddownload is very good in every matter :)
i said ok :)

I wish you get sales again @mohsen

Regarding sales and compensation. I ask you not to bring up this topic again and again. Especially you @mohsen
You open tickets almost every day and complain about sales, but that comes from the fact that you hardly invest time to be able to profit at all. We have users who make up to 10 sales a day and partly on weekends up to 40 sales. Above all, I do not know how to generate sales with a few thousand files at all.

As I said, we have satisfied affiliate partners who have been working with us for three years and also earn their money. I do not want to take up this topic again.

Yes, it's true, maybe the downloads or sales have dropped, but that's also because Corona is over and summer is just around the corner. Some have become accustomed to the sales from 2020 and 2021 where there were still lockdowns, this reality should be put aside, because real life is back as it was in 2019. Either you invest a lot of time so that you earn your money, or try it differently. But complaining has always been bad, even an employer wants an employee who works instead of complaining, because that's how you earn your money.

Regarding faulty uploads. We have currently fixed the problem and should not appear again for the next time. However, I ask you to report any errors to me here.

I thank you again and again for your loyalty and support and we hope for more years with you as a partner. Thank you very much!
Why you didnt read this thread? Its on this site:

Your requested payout will always be paid out between Friday and Monday. Make sure that you always request a payout before Friday.

Same is on website, is it really so hard to read this before such senseless posts are incoming?
Whoever complain about sales they should work more and they should believe in quality not in quantity :)

sales are fine for our users for me i think all is fine in ddownload but yes little sales drop but such things always with every filehosts thanks

Some time you win some time you learn you never loose.....

Get up and do work again this is how life goes and this filehost is one of the best filehost as i said :)

goodluck all uploaders
Ok dear
Post automatically merged:

I think there may be a few upload servers with the wrong upload size limit set.

Haven't pinpointed them yet but it's only maybe 2-5 of them. I will let you know which when I find out.
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