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Active Member
Hey Forum,

I'm selling DDL complete website. You'll get the domain name, the script, and the database. All you have to do is find a host for it. I can provide support for the installation process. Currently the website is running on DDLCMS but I can convert it to WCDDL if you want. Page rank is 2. If you'd like some more info just let me know.


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What would you like for ownership proof? Back-end screenshot? Starting bid I'll leave for you guys, not sure what I want to sell it for to be honest, a fair price I guess.

Selling a Domain
The seller must provide proof they are the owner of the domain. This can consist of a file uploaded to the sellers server saying his name/username and a message stating it is for sale or a screenshot of the domain in the sellers registrar account if the domain is parked.
The name of the registrar where the domain is hosted. eg goDaddy,, namecheap etc. and when it is due to expire must also be posted in the sales topic.

Selling a Web Site
The same requirements as selling a domain apply with the additional below:
It is presumed the following are all included, will be sold only once and hasen't being previously sold. Anything which isn't included must be mentioned. domain, script, all skins and themes, full current database if any and full rights to everything. Proof of traffic and revenue if any must be provided as outlined below. Any existing commitments or debt that will transfer such as advertising or hosting must also be stated.
In the case of large sites or custom scripts please state any hosting which is included and for how long it's provided as well as relevant server or legal requirements.
Mini-modding is not allowed. Report the item instead of mini-modding.

Please PM a moderator when you have uploaded a text file in the root of your domain to verify that you are the legit owner.
Analytics has just been installed and I can traffic information for you. However, typically there's about 20 users online at any given time of the day.
As you can see from the above screen shot the database is as big as the script will allow.
you mean the database is maxed out on your host?

Typically, at any time of the day there are about 20 users.
so that can be taken as 1,728,000 visits/day. can you please be a little more clear on visitors. Also, where are they coming from? I cannot find a site listed that even has a link back
No not the host but the script. The site is using DDLCMS and it has a limit of how many downloads can be in the database. As for the visitors, I've attached some images giving some more info. You can ignore the estimated value.

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