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Google page rank is an elusive term that most DLE Websites don't completely understand. In fact, there are probably few people in the world who completely understand it, because Google keeps the secrets of its page rank algorithm very guarded. Boosting your Google page rank isn't something you can do in a day. If it were, everyone would have a Google Page Rank of 10.

Here are some tricks to help increase your Datalife Engine website page rank

1. Get Incoming Links from High Quality Related Sites
The best way to increase your Google page rank might not make a difference over night, but it will make a big difference in time. The key is to get incoming links to your site from highly authoritative and well-trafficked websites and site that are related your site's topic.

There are a lot of people want to get their site to be well known but they never shared or post anything on other sites, they don't know what they share and post can be helpful to many others, so this way the people will find out how good you are and they will follow without hesitation to your website.

Get links for big and higher page rank websites is one of the best trick to get traffic and help increase page rank for your site more effectively.

2. Use SEO Techniques
Datalife Engine comes with one of the best SEO settings to help your site to get exactly the way the search engines comfort with, setting SEO is a must have to be seen by search Engine, in DLE, there are 3 types of SEO can be used, "type 2" is the most common and best SEO for any kind of websites that using DLE, however, you can always use different type and use different tools to help your site for better SEO

3. Write Original Content
Many websites using grabber or tools to grab the contents for other websites, but they don't know that content you grab is bad for SEO. Do not copy content from another site. Even if you're copying and republishing your own content from one page or one site to another, do not do it. Google's algorithm cannot tell the difference and will either give the originating site the credit and downgrade the others or downgrade all of the sites that publish the duplicated content. Google acts harshly toward any kind of content scraping, even if you're completely innocent. Once your page rank is downgraded, it can be nearly impossible to get it back up again.

4. Don't Go Link Crazy
Many websites hear that it's important to have incoming links to boost their site's Google page rank, so they start leaving comments anywhere and everywhere across the web, participating in random link exchanges with anyone who is willing to participate, and so on. Remember, as the first item on this list says, Google's algorithm cares about quality links, not quantity. In fact, your page rank could be downgraded if your site is deemed to be little more than a bunch of links.

5. Post or Write Great Content
If you write great content, people will want to link to it, particularly high quality websites. Get on the radar screen of popular bloggers and websites by leaving comments, writing guest posts, participating in forums, emailing directly, writing articles, and so on. Build relationships with people who write for high quality sites, and the number of quality, incoming links you get to your site will grow organically over time.

Many people want their sites to be popular, but the site is loaded of crappy contents, the sites like that will not going to be popular but also will be target for hackers and spammers to ruin your website.

If you don't "give" you will not "get", that's reality...
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